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Date:      Sat, 11 Sep 1999 17:26:09 -0700
From:      Charles Gousha <>
To:        "Alex Perel" <>, "Doug" <>
Cc:        "Donald Burr" <dburr@Powered-By.AC>, "Pamela Gross" <>, "John DeGroof" <>, "SBLUG Users" <>, <>
Subject:   Re: God, this is scary...
Message-ID:  <>

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>> > 
>> >
>> > 
>> > Sure makes you want to travel, doesn't it?  I mean, if this is what the
>> > airports are running, it makes you wonder what the **PLANES** are running,
>> > doesn't it?  *gulp*
>> 	I can go one better. I have it on very good authority (from someone who
>> helped design the application software) that they use Windows NT for some
>> of the systems on the space shuttles. Not the guidance systems (and my
>> friend was bound by security clearance from telling me exactly what) but
>> something. Now THAT is scary....
>Think of it this way: how likely are you to be on a space shuttle? Somehow 
>I'm not afraid for my life when a shuttle takes off :)

All we need is one blue screen during a reentry... seven people burned 
up... government inquiries and re-evaluations... and goodbye to the Space 
Program for the next ten years.

Charles Gousha - software tester       | "We are the universe
   comic collector, anime fan, SF nut  |  made manifest, trying to
Apple Computer Inc. - |  figure itself out."
   BMUG volunteer   -  |         Delenn, Babylon 5

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