From owner-freebsd-advocacy  Sat Jul  4 00:25:16 1998
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From: Chris Coleman <>
To: Francisco Reyes <>
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Subject: Re: Advocates, speak up!  (re: just something to say)
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> I don't think we need to compare against Linux or any other not well
> known OS for a business person. I think NT, Netware and Solaris
> should be our targets.

I think you will find a lot of sympathy from the Netware Admins.  We run
Netware and FreeBSD here, and find it a good combination.Most admins of
Netware are looking for something non-M$ to put their trust in.  Something
that doesn't fight against Netware.  And Since Netware just sent to using
X on their server, (running CDE) you might get more enthusiasim.  Try to
sell it as a solution to things that Netware doesnt do, not a a

We run FreeBSD as a WEB SErver, DNS, and backup printing to Novell..
Keeps us from having all our eggs in one basket.


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