From owner-freebsd-mobile  Thu Sep 25 21:04:14 1997
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To: Andrew Gordon <>
cc: Mike Smith <>,
Subject: Re: Replacement dongle for 3C589? 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 25 Sep 1997 23:54:50 +0100."
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Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 13:31:32 +0930
From: Mike Smith <>
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> On Fri, 26 Sep 1997, Mike Smith wrote:
> > > >Having just recovered my laptop after having had it stolen, I need to 
> > > >replace the dongle off the 3C589.  I seem to recall stories about how 
> > > >hard this is - what experiences have people had with this?
> > > >Anyone have a spare? 8)
> I have a spare RJ45 cable for a 3C589A/B  (having mis-typed the product
> code when attempting to order one for my 3C589_C_).  You are welcome
> to it if it happens to be what you wanted.

Hmm, I hadn't realised that there was a difference; oops.  I'm actually 
in need of one for a D.  Begging the question "what are the differences 
between the two"? 

> The RJ45 ones (both flavours) are quite cheap; the BNC ones are about
> 4 times the price (GBP 13 / GBP 48).

By BNC you mean just BNC, or UTP/BNC combo?  It sounds like these are 
very different from the combo pod on a C/D.

> > NewMedia	$159 (BNC, TP)
> > Hypertec	$149 (BNC, TP)
> > D-Link		$138 (TP)
> > Alloy		$139 (BNC, TP)
> > Eagle		$119 (TP)
> > Socket		$119 (TP)
> > Topware		$139 (BNC)
> Are you sure all of these are NE2000 compatible?  

By no means.  All I have are names, numbers and media details.  Many of 
the above are secondhand.  I really need one with both BNC and TP, so 
it sounds like I'll need to look at the Alloy and Hypertec cards.

> I have a NewMedia 
> "livewire" card, which has AMD 79C940 chipset (having read the datasheet
> and discovered that it's completely different to the 79C960, I have
> given up on this one).  I also have an Eagle NE200 - despite its 
> seductively similar partnumber, this is _not_ NE2000 compatible.

Ok, scratch those two.  8)

> > (I haven't called 3Com, if indeed they have an Australian spares agent.)
> The cables are available ex-stock from ordinary retail suppliers over here.

That's promising, but by no means indicative. 8)  I only got this thing 
back because of the poor state of the spare-parts industry over here...
