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Date:      Wed, 04 May 2022 04:06:02 -0700
From:      "Pat Maddox" <>
Subject:   package mix release works, port doesn't? (and neither is self-contained)
Message-ID:  <>

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Hi, I am trying to build a package from a mix release.

My first attempt used pkg-create, and it was successful. I can run `make =

package`, install the package, and then run `ex_ample start_iex`. =

Here=E2=80=99s that Makefile: =
c7b93c0565/Makefile. =

It does require me to have an erlang runtime installed to run it, which =

was surprising. The elixir docs say that mix releases don=E2=80=99t need =

erlang or elixir to run them, they=E2=80=99re supposed to be self-contain=

Then I decided to try building a port with poudriere. I successfully =

built the package, but it won=E2=80=99t run. Running `ex_ample start_iex`=

fails with an error about missing /usr/local/lib/erlang24/bin/erl as =


When I _do_ install erlang-runtime24 (or any erlang package), `ex_ample =

start_iex` crashes:

{"init terminating in =


So my questions are:

1. What is going on with poudriere that=E2=80=99s different, where the pa=
ckage =

runs fine but the built port crashes?
2. How do I fix it?
3. Why do the package and port require an erlang runtime to run, if =

I=E2=80=99m using mix release?


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