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Date:      Wed, 07 May 1997 02:14:45 -0700
From:      Amancio Hasty <>
To:        Jaye Mathisen <>
Cc:        Michael Smith <>,,, hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: if_de.c ???? 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 07 May 1997 00:19:53 PDT." <> 

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Well, I am a taker just give me a call later on today. Got a few 
PCs and ample disks to tackle the problem.

My phone number is 415-495-3046


>From The Desk Of Jaye Mathisen :
> On Wed, 7 May 1997, Michael Smith wrote:
> > Jaye Mathisen stands accused of saying:
> > Er, I think Matt Thomas would be very surprised to hear that his 
> > driver is "dead".  I don't really think you have any sort of right
> > to go making those claims.
> OK, in the FreeBSD vein, it's wounded.  I'm sure it works fine in other
> places, hell, my latest Solaris release just added support for oodles of
> 21140-AC based cards, so they must think it's good.  (1 year after FreeBSD
> was pushing them hard).
> > 
> > Kinda pathetic, really.  Especially from people (30 or 40 cards?)
> > that obviously have the resources, and would be quite happy to 
> > benefit from someone else's hard work at no expense to themselves.
> I have offered to pay for services in the past for various attempts to get
> something I needed for my operation working, but have never received any
> interest in anybody taking my money.  If it's never worked in the past, I
> didn't see any reason to try now.
> I have offered new hardware (Mylex and disks) to anybody that would be
> willing to take a whack at writing a driver for it.  (Not that anybody is
> required to by any stretch, only that I'm willing to commit resources to
> things that I need or could really use.).
> Hell, I provide the site that Matt uses to distribute his stuff.  Not that
> it's a big deal at the time, other than setting it up provided me a way to
> access his work sooner.
>  > 
> > > And so I'll start purchasing intel cards, and 8 months from now, the
> > > Novell NE2000 cards will be the hot card to have.
> > 
> > Or, you can help with the 'de' cards and keep your inventory.
> So tell me how?  I will send a card to anybody that will make some effort
> to fix it.  Give me an address, and it's on it's way.  I can provide
> machines to test it on.
> I have 3 or 4 issues that I consider moderately serious floating out
> there.  I have kernel coredumps, I have I think any diagnostic that a
> person could need to fix it.  What I don't have is takers.
> > > It's like FreeBSD is always at this "80%" useful stage.  It always seems
> > 
> > I've ranted enough about this before.  Let me just say "volunteer testing"
> > one more time.
> Well, 80% was way too low a number, I should've said something more like
> 95% or so. Certainly it meets a vast majority of my needs.
> I test every release that comes out, and send in bug reports as I find
> 'em, I have machines whose only purpose in life is to be wipable the
> moment some significant FreeBSD event occurs.
> I contribute where I can.  Drivers are not my thing.  They're black magic.
> Anyway, I wasn't trying to offend anybody, only express my pov.

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