From owner-freebsd-questions  Sun Apr 13 18:14:19 1997
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Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 18:14:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Snob Art Genre <>
To: SJWaste <>
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Subject: Re: ..
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On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, SJWaste wrote:

> Just wondering, can FreeBSD run a decent amount of Linux and Solaris
> apps and utils out there already?

FreeBSD can emulate Linux well enough to run Netscape, Doom, Quake, and
Executor (a mac emulator for Linux).  I don't think there is any form of
compatibility with Solaris, though.

FreeBSD also emulates SCO and runs BSD/OS binaries natively.  And there's
no shortage of native apps either.


"You have your mind on computers, it seems."