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Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 01:32:58 +0100
From: Brad Knowles <>
Subject: Re: Any ideas at all about network problem?
Cc: Brad Knowles <>,
	Craig Reyenga <>,
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At 12:31 PM +0200 2002/12/03, wrote:

>  The two machines involved are connected by a crossover cable:

	I've heard of lots of problems with machines using cross-over 
cables.  Can you connect the machines through a switch, and ensure 
that they are hard-wired to 100Base-TX full duplex at both ends, as 
opposed to auto-negotiating?

>  I'll try a different cable this evening when I get home.  Is there
>  a minimum length?  The cable is currently 2m long.  I'm prepared
>  to do any other debugging people here can suggest to make it work
>  faster.  FWIW my single CPU workstaion at the office running
>  4.7-STABLE with an fxp0 NIC does not suffer the same throughput
>  reduction.

	I've also heard of lots of problems with some machines when the 
cable is too short, at least in certain combinations.  Try 
successively longer lengths of cable, at least up to 20-30m.

Brad Knowles, <>

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     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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