From owner-freebsd-bugs Wed Nov 8 19:20:19 1995 Return-Path: owner-bugs Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) id TAA09114 for bugs-outgoing; Wed, 8 Nov 1995 19:20:19 -0800 Received: (from gnats@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) id TAA09091 ; Wed, 8 Nov 1995 19:20:11 -0800 Resent-Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 19:20:11 -0800 Resent-Message-Id: <> Resent-From: gnats (GNATS Management) Resent-To: freebsd-bugs Resent-Reply-To:, Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) with ESMTP id TAA08802 for ; Wed, 8 Nov 1995 19:15:29 -0800 Received: (from rlenk@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id UAA00442; Wed, 8 Nov 1995 20:15:20 -0700 Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 20:15:20 -0700 From: Reply-To: To: X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.2 Subject: kern/812: Certain SCSI operations cause panic with ahc driver Sender: Precedence: bulk >Number: 812 >Category: kern >Synopsis: Certain SCSI operations cause panic with ahc driver >Confidential: no >Severity: serious >Priority: high >Responsible: freebsd-bugs >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Wed Nov 8 19:20:06 PST 1995 >Last-Modified: >Originator: Ron Lenk >Organization: Widget Networking >Release: FreeBSD 2.1-STABLE i386 >Environment: ( FreeBSD-STABLE, supped on Oct 29 ) Output from 'dmesg': FreeBSD 2.1-STABLE #0: Sun Oct 29 11:03:08 MST 1995 CPU: 60-MHz Pentium 510\\60 (Pentium-class CPU) Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0x517 Stepping=7 Features=0x1bf real memory = 33554432 (32768K bytes) avail memory = 30711808 (29992K bytes) Probing for devices on the ISA bus: sc0 at 0x60-0x6f irq 1 on motherboard sc0: VGA color <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x0> ed0 at 0x280-0x28f irq 9 maddr 0xd8000 msize 8192 on isa ed0: address 02:60:8c:3f:30:b8, type 3c503 (8 bit) sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa sio0: type 16550A sio1 at 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa sio1: type 16550A lpt0 at 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa lpt0: Interrupt-driven port lp0: TCP/IP capable interface mse0 at 0x23c irq 5 on isa fdc0 at 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa fdc0: NEC 72065B fd0: 1.44MB 3.5in fd1: 1.2MB 5.25in ahc0: 284x Single Channel, SCSI Id=7, aic7770 <= Rev C, 4 SCBs ahc0 at 0x1000-0x10ff irq 11 on eisa slot 1 ahc0 waiting for scsi devices to settle ahc0: target 0 Tagged Queuing Device (ahc0:0:0): "MICROP 2210-09MQ1001901 HQ30" type 0 fixed SCSI 2 sd0(ahc0:0:0): Direct-Access 1008MB (2065250 512 byte sectors) (ahc0:1:0): "SyQuest SQ3270S 2_04" type 0 removable SCSI 2 sd1(ahc0:1:0): Direct-Access 256MB (524288 512 byte sectors) (ahc0:2:0): "TEXEL CD-ROM DM-XX28 3.05" type 5 removable SCSI 2 cd0(ahc0:2:0): CD-ROM cd present.[94975 x 2048 byte records] npx0 on motherboard npx0: INT 16 interface pas0 at 0x388 irq 10 drq 6 on isa pas0: >Description: There are two separate occasions when this occurs, they are as follows: 1) Issuing a 'reset' command in 'cdplay', causes the machine to panic with the follwing output on the console: ahc0: target 2, lun 0 (cd0) timed out. ahc0: target 0, lun 0 (sd0) timed out. sd0(ahc0:0:0): BUS DEVICE RESET message queued. panic: biodone: buffer not busy syncing disks: 27 27 27 27 27 ... ( etc. etc. ) ... giving up (the light on the SCSI controller is solid) 2) Attempting to format a SyQuest cartridge using the scsi(8) util causes a similar panic, with the following on the console: ( command was 'scsi -f /dev/rsd1c -c "4 0 0 0 0 0"', as shown in the scsi(8) man page ) sd1(ahc0:1:0): UNIT ATTENTION asc:29,0 sd1(ahc0:1:0): Power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred Debugger( "sdopen: no slices" ) called. ahc0: target 1, lun 0 (sd1) timed out. sd1(ahc0:1:0): BUS DEVICE RESET message queued. panic: biodone: buffer not busy syncing disks... 3 3 3 3 3 ... ( etc. etc. ) ... giving up (The UNIT ATTENTION message is normal after changing media in the drive) (The LED on the SCSI controller is _not_ on in this case.) >How-To-Repeat: See above. >Fix: Unknown. >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: