From owner-freebsd-security  Tue Jul 18 10:35:38 2000
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Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 19:39:49 +0200 (CEST)
From: Bart van Leeuwen <>
To: "Crist J. Clark" <>
Cc: Jonathan Slivko <>,
	"Chris D. Faulhaber" <>,
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	FreeBSD Security Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: 3.5 vs. 4.0
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Hmm... 3.5 or 4.0... I guess that a choice would be based on required
functionality... at least both are very stable to my experience.

One thing you might want from 4.0 for building a server is the jail stuff.

As for running -RELEASE and -STABLE.. What I usually do is start out with
a -RELEASE, and use a 2nd (dedicated) machine to track -STABLE. when there
are important updates I already have a -STABLE ready for testing and if
needed I'll upgrade servers with it. Building and testing is always done
on a seperate machine, and is done regardless of requiring the current set
of updates, if only because having a fairly recent -STABLE system at hand
makes it possible to compare things and makes upgrading so much easier.
Also its nice to have updates ready even before actually needing them ;-)

I won't ever install such updates unless there is a real reason to do so
(security fixes mostly) but in practise I do run -STABLE on most servers
by now (4.0) so I'd think that it makes sense to not only look at what you
want to run on it right now, but also look at a good way to keep it
uptodate for as far as needed.

Bart van Leeuwen
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