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Date:      Sun, 7 Mar 1999 09:48:49 -0600 (CST)
From:      Richard Kaszeta <>
To:        "Hal (DCI)" <>
Cc:, aic7xxx@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: 2940U2W Status
Message-ID:  <>
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Hal (DCI) writes ("Re: 2940U2W Status"):
>Well Michael,
>I'm trying to install a Quantum VikingII using the 2940U2W starting with a
>revised image from floppy for 2.0.36 that sees the disk correctly,
>controller, Ethernet card and CD-ROM without a hitch.
>Proceed to fdisk, then on to installing linux 2.0.35 from CD-ROM, patching
>the source up to 2.0.36, relinking linux to /usr/src/2.0.36, copying the
>/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/def.config.2.0.36 to /usr/src/linux/.config.
>Doing a make menuconfig putting in all the goodies necessary.
>Reboot WHAM!! we get:
>  VFS: unable to mount fs 08:01
>LILO is installed at the MBR, should it be installed at another location?

I foound that I had to disable LBA on the SCSI controller before I
could get lilo to work with it.  When the machine is booting, do a
ctrl-a to get the scsi config, and diable the "DOS support for drives
larger than 1 GB" or somesuch.  It's under advanced options.

Richard W Kaszeta 			Graduate Student/Sysadmin				University of MN, ME Dept

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