From owner-cvs-all  Wed Jan 10 21:12:55 2001
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Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 00:12:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Daniel Eischen <>
To: "Justin T. Gibbs" <>
Cc: John Baldwin <>,
	=?ISO-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard_Roudier?= <>,
	Jake Burkholder <>,,, Bruce Evans <>
Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/sys/alpha/alpha interrupt.c machdep.c mp_mac 
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On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Justin T. Gibbs wrote:
> >No, shared variables are just variables.  Here is the problem.  There is no
> >'curproc' variable.  There is a gd_curproc member of a struct globaldata, and
> >each CPU has a struct globaldata tied to it.  We can obtain it via
> >PCPU_GET(curproc), or set it via PCPU_SET(curproc, myproc).  Having a 'curproc
> >'
> >"magic" variable that doesn't exist that we assume we can read and write to
> >like any other variable is a lot more hokie than admitting that we are
> >accessing a special variable in a special way.
> Anyone touching these variables had better understand what they are for
> and how they operate.  I think our developers are smart enough to understand
> this without ugly upper-case macros.  Heck "errno" is not spelled
> PTHREAD_GET(errno), or PTHREAD_SET(errno, error) and still people seem
> to be able to write useful threaded apps. 8-)

Uh-oh.  I've just gone through libc (not committed yet) and replaced all 
instances of "errno = x" to _set_errno(x) to deal with threaded apps.  I
didn't realize that it actually worked correctly.

Should I discard these changes, or is _set_errno(x) seen as a better
interface than errno = x?

Dan Eischen

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