From owner-freebsd-hackers  Wed Mar  4 13:08:04 1998
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Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 13:14:46 -0800 (PST)
Organization: The Simon Shapiro Foundation
From: Simon Shapiro <>
To: Wilko Bulte <>
Subject: Re: SCSI Bus redundancy...
Cc:, hackers@FreeBSD.ORG,,,,,
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On 04-Mar-98 Wilko Bulte wrote:

> Interestingly enough these benchmarks are mostly run with direct attached
> disks, no RAID controller in sight. Assuming enough CPU horsepower
> (a AlphaServer 8400 will do just fine with 8x 625Mc CPU will do...) you
> do striping on the machine. Lots faster than any RAIDbox.

A lot of that has to do with politics.  Some years ago i worked (briefly!)
for a certiain CPU manufacturer who ran RDBMS menchmarks mainly on certain
O/S and certain RDBMS engine (both made by the same vendor, dare I say). 
One brand of RAID controllers was not used because it had a politically
incorrect CPU on board.  the other brand of RAID controllers was pushed
hard as it had a politiclly correct CPU, but was so buggy, we could never
finish formatting the disks.  We ended up with another brand of non-RAID
controllers which was politically acceptable (they did not use the proper
CPU or any CPU at all, but the politically wrong O/S was not getting the
inside track to this controller).

Yes, a very hot CPU arrangement, with many channels, on a fast I/O bus will
deliver carefully configured benchmark very well.  It is not necessarily an
optimal setup for most of us (utilizing 5% of a disk is not what we
normally do either.  There ar ebenchmarks, and there is real life.

> Who cares about data integrity, it is TPC you want for the glossies.

Actually some benchmarks are supposed to consider that. But I could tell
you some funny stories there too.


Sincerely Yours, 

Simon Shapiro
Shimon@Simon-Shapiro.ORG                      Voice:   503.799.2313

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