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Date:      Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:34:36 +0800
From:      "Thomas E. Zander" <>
To:        Alexandr Kovalenko <>
Cc:        Oliver Braun <obraun@FreeBSD.ORG>, ports-committers@FreeBSD.ORG, cvs-ports@FreeBSD.ORG, cvs-all@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: cvs commit: ports/multimedia/mplayer Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/multimedia/mplayer/files patch-ad
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Hi all,

Am Mon, dem 10. Feb 2003, um 22:01 +0200 Uhr schrubte Alexandr Kovalenko
zum Thema [Re: cvs commit: ports/multimedia/mplayer Makefile distinfo pkg-p=
list ports/multimedia/mplayer/files patch-ad]:

> We should also note that if you are planning to play QT movies, you
> should add CPU_ENABLE_SSE to your kernel so that mplayer will not crash
> attempting to play it (looks like either mplayer or QT win32 libs can't
> detect if SSE is enabled).

No, that is not a qt-specific problem.
Mplayer checks which cpu it is running on and assumes (as I would do if
I were a program :-) ) that it can use SSE if it is a SSE-capable CPU.
But because evidently nobody *reads* something about kernel building
before doing it, we dropped a note to the pkg-message file quite some
time ago which recommends adding this option for this particular
problem (crash because of instruction set).

So, if one insists NOT zu tune the kernel config for his CPU *and* NOT
to read the pkg-message (which is always shown when installing
mplayer), what else should we do?

Create a dialog?

"Hey, I'm Carl Clippit, your friendly Off^h^hmplayer
install-assistant. I have found an SSE-capable CPU, but further
investigations have shown that your kernel is probably not able to use
these instructions. What should I do?"
[Change kernel conf] [Switch to Windoze] [What the hell is kern conf?]


Next dialog:
"Hey, I'm Carl Clippit, your friendly Off^h^hmplayer install-assistant.
You have chosen $option. This will do $consequences. Do you still want
to proceed?"

[Yes] [No] [Perhaps] [Don't know] [I take a joker] [Switch to Windoze]


Next dialog:
"Hey, I'm Carl Clippit, your friendly Off^h^hmplayer install-assistant.
You have chosen $next_option. Are you sure?"

[Yes] [No] [Perhaps] [Don't know] [Get the hell off my planet]

Sorry for the sarcasm in this mail, but this is really a "problem" that
could be solved by RTFM in 100% of the appearing cases.
Some guys just should *read* the message, that's why it is existing...


- Die Welt schl=E4ft tief schon lange Zeit | Sent with RiggiSmooth [tm] -
-- Mich nur flieht die Dunkelheit        | ------------------------- --
--- Denn per Infrarot seh ich            | just to fit your         ---
---- Die Nacht ist wirklich widerlich.   | primitive screen.       ----

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