From owner-freebsd-hackers Thu Oct 24 06:32:24 1996 Return-Path: owner-hackers Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id GAA20804 for hackers-outgoing; Thu, 24 Oct 1996 06:32:24 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id GAA20777 for ; Thu, 24 Oct 1996 06:31:44 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost (luigi@localhost) by (8.6.5/8.6.5) id NAA24362; Thu, 24 Oct 1996 13:55:26 +0100 From: Luigi Rizzo Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: Networking in PCEMU (1/2) To: (Serge A. Babkin) Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 13:55:26 +0100 (MET) Cc: In-Reply-To: <> from "Serge A. Babkin" at Oct 24, 96 04:39:54 pm X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23] Content-Type: text Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk > Hi! > > I wrote the code that allows to access the network from pcemu. > It is also a great debugging environment in case you have > no real network. Commit it please. The first part contains > the kernel part (Garrett, please take a look at it) and the second > part contains the patch for pcemu (Satoshi, please take a look > a it). I plan to use it to port the Netware emulator from > Linux some day (may be not very soon). looks like a very nice piece of work. I was wondering if someone has been working on pcemu to add more features. Here are some projects I had started working on but did not complete. They are listed in order of importance. 1) 286 emulation (at least real mode). I have included some 286 instructions, but other are still missing. The problem arises because a lot of compilers produce 80286 code by default, even though there is no special requirement for that, and the poor emulator dies when it finds them... MAIN USE: various programs. 2) PCemu in an xterm. Many programs are text only, and it would be very nice to be able to run them in a text window, e.g. an xterm or so. I spent some time hacknig the x11 module and now my development copy is able to produce textual output in the xterm from which the pcemu has been started. Input is a bit more critical because the simulator wants make/break events from the keyboard, whereas the tty cannot supply such events. Also, some special keys (function keys etc) are not directly available. Anyways, my code is almost working, if someone wants to take it over just let me know. MAIN USE: our library has several databases on CD, with a DOS, text-only browser. They have a multiuser licence (and in some cases a site licence), and the way it currently works is exporting via NFS the database, enabling clients on demand. This does not work over a dial-up connection (well, I did it once, and it is not _that_ bad, at least for some programs). Being able to run PCemu in an xterm would make things much faster. 3) cga/ega/vga emulation. It should not be that hard for someone with a little bit of X11 knowledge. Not very important, but some programs still like to produce some graphic output. Luigi ==================================================================== Luigi Rizzo Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione email: Universita' di Pisa tel: +39-50-568533 via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 PISA (Italy) fax: +39-50-568522 ====================================================================