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Date:      Wed, 26 Jun 2002 09:33:30 -0400 (EDT)
From:      Ralph Huntington <>
To:        Brett Glass <>
Cc:        <security@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: Binary upgrade available
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	<Thank you very much for this port, btw>

After running pkg_add on openssh-overwrite-base-3.3p1_1.tgz (and
everything going smoothly) I was presented these instructions:

- To enable this port, please add sshd_program=/usr/local/sbin/sshd ...

However, the binary was installed in /usr/sbin/sshd overwriting the old
one, which was fine with me but could be extremely confusing for some. It
was therefore not necessary to adjust anything in rc.conf (sshd_enable was
already set to YES). If I had simply made the adjustment to rc.conf
without checking the actual location of sshd, then the install would have
been effectively broken.

- make sure your path is setup to /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin so that
- you are running the port version of openssh and not the version that
- comes with FreeBSD

huh? That didn't seem to matter:

excalibur@gawain:~> echo $path
/home/excalibur/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/local/bin \
	/usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin

excalibur@gawain:~> ps auxw | grep sshd
root      12013  0.0  1.4  2080 1684  ??  Is    8:35AM   0:00.01 /usr/sbin/sshd
root      12029  0.0  1.6  4868 1912  ??  I     8:57AM   0:00.07 sshd: excalibur [priv] (sshd)
excalibur 12031  0.0  1.6  4868 1916  ??  S     8:57AM   0:00.16 sshd: excalibur@ttyp2 (sshd)

excalibur@gawain:~> w
 9:07AM  up 5 days, 23:30, 3 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER             TTY      FROM              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
excalibur        p2       alb-66-66-232-51  8:57AM     - w

If that is all as it should be, then I don't see the relevance of those
instructions, but thank you for providing the port.    -=r=-

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