Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 16:45:06 +0100 (CET) From: "Wilhelm B. Kloke" <> To: Subject: misc/62916: man pages not displayed correctly on UTF-8 Message-ID: <> Resent-Message-ID: <>
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>Number: 62916 >Category: misc >Synopsis: man pages not displayed correctly on UTF-8 >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: medium >Responsible: freebsd-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Mon Feb 16 07:50:20 PST 2004 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Wilhelm B. Kloke >Release: FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE i386 >Organization: >Environment: System: FreeBSD yorikke 5.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE #2: Mon Jan 19 11:50:56 CET 2004 wb@yorikke:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/YORIKKE i386 >Description: Today I changed my LANG environment from de_DE.ISO8859-1 to de_DE.UTF-8. Among other annoyances, due to contributed software, I found that the display of man pages is cluttered by "less". I don't suspect that this behaviour is restricted to -current. >How-To-Repeat: I append the the first lines of the preprocessed manpage for man. LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 head test.tmp | more displays man [-adfhkotw] [-achine] [-p string] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list] instead of man [-adfhkotw] [-m machine] [-p string] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list] >Fix: I have no idea, where the problems comes from. Man pages are composed from characters in the range 1-127. test.tmp: MAN(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual MAN(1) NNAAMMEE mmaann -- format and display the on-line manual pages SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS mmaann [--aaddffhhkkoottww] [--mm _m_a_c_h_i_n_e] [--pp _s_t_r_i_n_g] [--MM _p_a_t_h] [--PP _p_a_g_e_r] [--SS _l_i_s_t] [_s_e_c_t_i_o_n] _n_a_m_e _._._. DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN MMaann formats and displays the on-line manual pages. This version knows >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted:
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