From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Oct  8 08:48:07 1997
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Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 08:46:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Doug White <>
Reply-To: Doug White <>
To: Ernest Hua <>
cc: "Oles' Hnatkevych" <>,
Subject: Re: 3d IDE port. How to implement in kernel? 
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On Wed, 8 Oct 1997, Ernest Hua wrote:

> > Try the SB's I/O port as the IDE port, usually 0x220.
> Hmm ... are you sure about this?  0x220 is usually associated with the
> audio portion of the card.  I had trouble when the implied port (at
> 0x3ee for 0x1e8) conflicted with an sio port.  Unfortunately, I was
> stupid enough not to notice this conflict, and fried 3 different sound
> cards before straightening it out.

Pretty sure, I need to check this on the next machine I work on.  The base
i/o for the SB is used for a lot of stuff, not just sound.  It just
watches separate interrupts for the IDE data vs. the sound stuff.  Again,
I'd want to check this.  All of my sound hardware doesn't have IDE

Doug White                              | University of Oregon  
Internet:    | Residence Networking Assistant    | Computer Science Major