From owner-freebsd-stable  Wed Dec 26 16:22:38 2001
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Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 17:22:25
To: Nils Holland <>
From: R Paschal <>
Subject: Re: 4.5-PRERELEASE announcement ?
Cc: freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG
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At 04:21 PM 12/26/01 +0100, Nils Holland wrote:
>On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 06:45:44AM +0000, R Paschal stood up and spoke:
>> Can the general project release announcements be posted into the newsgroup
>> comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce?  The only thing that I've seen posted there
>> for a long time is the new ports added/updated by Wolfram Schneider.
>I guess the official announcement place is the -announce mailing list, and
>indeed, I guess mailing lists have a few advantages over newsgroups. I
>guess it really shouldn't be a problem for people who want to be informated
>about new releases to subscribe to that mailing list. On the other hand,
>it surely wouldn't hurt to forward announcements to the newsgroup,
>although I would suggest anybody who's serious about this to subscribe to
>the mailing list.

From personal experience, I see one major problem with that.

There are a lot of people using ISPs with, for what-ever reason,
misconfigured mail servers.  There's not anything they can do about it,

I know, because I was in that position from Dec. 11, 2000, to mid Aug. 19,
2001.  The ISP I used,, mapped all their clients mail to one IP
address.  When a reverse DNS lookup was done on the IP address, the name
returned was the alphabetically first in the list.  But not anymore!

They now support no reverse lookups.  You can try it yourself if you don't
believe it.  Do a whois or nslookup on and then do a reverse
DNS lookup on their DNS server,,  Then look up
their mail server, and get its IP, and do a
reverse DNS lookup on it.  You can ping them.  You can find them at and see what business they're in.

Can anybody on that ISP subscribe, post questions, or submit PRs?  I don't
think so.  They can, however read the newsgroups.

What do you suppose they think of the mailing list anti-spam policies,
especially after visiting,
which makes no mention of this policy, and they get a cryptic response from  BTW, from what I saw in questions the last few months, that
policy doesn't do much to stop spam.

It also says a lot that the only freebsd mail policy that's enforced with
an iron fist is the unwritten one.


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