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Date:      Mon, 3 Mar 2003 21:46:47 +0100
From:      Lauri Watts <>
Cc:        Cliff Sarginson <cls@willow.raggedclown.intra>
Subject:   Re: Ok, KDE/Help .. after my moans what now ?
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In-Reply-To: <20030303180403.GB431@willow.raggedclown.intra>
References:  <20030303011927.GA4016@willow.raggedclown.intra> <> <20030303180403.GB431@willow.raggedclown.intra>

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On Monday 03 March 2003 19.04, Cliff Sarginson wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 09:43:25AM +0100, Lauri Watts wrote:

> > That's not a requirement, it's an option, if you want special support f=
> > that card from something that offers it.   Probably X itself, certainly
> > nothing related to KDE.
> Ok, but no choice in portupgrade.
> Matrox cards are common as muck, even I know how to find out how a
> system has one or not.

Put the option in pkg_tools.conf

> > *What* says libintl is missing? which binary? there is no binary called
> > "KDE", something specifically must be giving these problems.
> I am aware of that. It is "startkde" that is complaining.

startkde is a script, that runs several commands, we need to narrow down wh=
of them is the problem.

> > > Plus the fact I cannot even re-intall KDE from the 4.7 ISO CD's.
> > > I get the highly useful message "Error -1".

> > From what? The CD-Rom drive? KDE? What KDE binary? From pkg_add? from
> > Portupgrade? from tcsh?  From Raelian clones?
> >
> > Who knows.
> I know. I tried to restore the status quo ante. This, in my mind, was
> not so very unreasonable. The information about ports given out is that
> they are not dependent on a release. They clearly are. This is a fault
> in the system, not in yours truly.

No, this is *packages*.  Binary *packages* are built on a particular system=
=2E =20
and may differ between versions of that particular system.  The same port,=
built on 5.0-Release and 4.7-Release and 4.8-Prerelease will be different=20
compiled binaries from the same source.

> > > Now, correct me if I am wrong.
> > > The tag for ports should always be ".", since the do not follow any
> > > kind of upgrade system like the release does.
> > > Why does portupgrade try to find 4.8-PRELEASE ports ?
> > > This is nonsense.
> > > From where is it getting this idea ?
> >
> > uname -a
> Ok, see above. It should not be caring about my release. Ports,
> according to all information sources I have read, are not RELEASE
> dependent. Of course they may have dependencies, but that is not the
> same thing.

Right.  They are.  Only package installs will care about the OS.

> > 3: Have an up to date portsdb -u.  Run it after every cvsup.  Most

> > If it actually fails, cut and paste what it says into an email and ask.=
> > Don't give anecdotes or paraphrase the errors, if you do we *cannot* he=
> > you.
> I run it every time. I am not paraphrasing errors.

You are paraphrasing errors, or cutting them short.  One single line of err=
output from gcc is useless without knowing what it was trying to compile or=
link, and knowing what other packages are installed so we can guess why it'=
not finding the files it wants.  So you need to paste at least several=20
complete lines above the actual error message before we are able to help yo=

You seem to be feeling very hostile, but there are several of us out here=20
*trying* to help.  You're not making it very easy.  If you want the problem=
fixed, we need more information.  If you just want to rant, then this=20
conversation is done, I won't participate anymore.

> > 4: Don't try to upgrade piecemeal if other ports are out of date.  The
> > problem you describe above probably relate to a out of date dependency
> > ports, but I can't be totally sure without the info from "pkg_info -Ia"=
> >  Don't paraphrase that output, cut and paste it into an email, or I can=
> > help you (are you seeing a pattern here?)
> No. Because you are assuming I am an idiot. I tried, following the
> bouncing ball, not assuming I knew better, to bring a system up to date.
> It failed.

I'm assuming no such thing.  I'm telling you that I need specific informati=
that you have not so far provided. If you provide this information, I can=20
help, if you don't, I cannot.  It's up to you.

> Ok, point taken.
> I don't paraphrase.
> I can cut and paste "Error -1" or type it in. It still remains "Error
> -1".

And you still haven't told us *what* command gave that reply.   Or any of t=
other information you have been asked for.

>  - The ports system is supposed to be independent of the OS/Release, it
> is not.
It is.  The packages are not, they cannot be, because the OS itself is an=20
evolving thing.  Packages are not ports, they are single snapshots of a por=
built on a single snapshot of a released version of the OS.=20

>  - KDE is unbuildable.

KDE is entirely buildable, very many people have built it successfully on v=
many versions of this operating system, and on many other operating systems=
(even HP/UX).  If it's not buildable on your system, we still don't have=20
enough information to even begin to diagnose why.  As I've asked already,=20
start with posting uname -a, pkg_info -Ia, and the configure results of the=
first port to fail (that'd be arts, if Qt 3.1 is ok - I haven't seen you ye=
complain about Qt, so I'll guess it is.) Then we might well be able to star=
fixing the problems. =20

>  - Shoving latest releases of KDE (and Gnome) into ports without the
> binary install of them is bad news. I have a fast high speed ADSL
> connection, and a powerful network. It does not worry me, if one machine
> is tied up all day building the damn thing. But some people are not so
> lucky.

We provided pre-release binary packages during the run up to KDE 3.1, and=20
immediately the ports hit the tree.  If you had asked kde@, we'd have told=
you where to get them, how to install them, and how to  configure them.  Th=
announcement to this list that the ports were done, included the=20
instructions.  The website included a mention of whe=
they are on the first page this entire time.    =20

> - I have offered to help on any working group involved with the ports
> system. No-one has even replied to that offer. I am (at least thats what
> is says on my CV :) a skilled C programmer and System Manager.

I guess I missed your offer to get involved with KDE too then.  The first=20
thing you can help with, is to diagnose, repair, and document the problems =
your computer.  And no, I'm not being sarcastic, I mean it. =20

There's a lot of expertise and experience on these lists, and a hostile=20
attitude does not do you any favours.  =20

Lauri Watts
KDE Documentation:
KDE on FreeBSD:

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