From owner-freebsd-current  Mon May  5 10:55:50 1997
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From: Terry Lambert <>
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Subject: Re: Help with merging in local changes with CVS etc...
Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 10:53:05 -0700 (MST)
Cc: current@FreeBSD.ORG
In-Reply-To: <> from "J Wunsch" at May 5, 97 00:15:53 am
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> > > Yep, but this wasn't the problem of the guy asking.  Your set of
> > > problems is quite different from his.
> > 
> > He wanted to commit changes to his local tree, and have them not
> > stomped on CVSup/CTM update.
> No, he actually didn't.  Turn off your read flag, and re-read his
> mail, then you'll notice it.
> All he wanted was to make sure that his local ppa driver won't be
> killed by the next cvs update.  That's a standard CVS feature.

Well, here's his original mail:

| I would like to make a local change to the CVS repository (only).  The
| change is in the src/sys directory, to add the ppa drivers for my 
| zip drive.
| I know I will need to maintain a copy of the full CVS repository, but
| how do I ensure that the change will remain in effect after further
| changes (pulled in with CVSup)?

Sure looks like he said he wanted to make a local changes to his copy
of the _CVS repository_, *NOT* his copy of the _checked out source

Also looks like he wanted to ensure the changes to _his local copy of
the CVS repository_ weren't stomped by CVSup.

Maybe you can explain the quoted material to me so I can better
understand how you are right and I am wrong?

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.