From owner-freebsd-hackers  Sat Jan 11 15:24:49 1997
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Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 00:20:14 +0100
From: (J Wunsch)
To: (John Fieber)
Cc: hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Mounting devfs on /dev
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As John Fieber wrote:

> > 	options		DEVFS_ROOT
> > 
> > This will pass -r to init(8), which in turn causes it to mount DEVFS.
> So far so good.  Now, what does:
>   panic: ffs_mountroot: can't set up bdevvp for root

Are you sure everything has been built correctly?

Just for grins, i've rebuilt the kernel on my scratchbox (this time
the diskless one, it was simpler for me).  It worked out of the box.

j@uncle 53% uname -a
FreeBSD uncle 3.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 3.0-CURRENT #9: Sun Jan 12 00:00:11 MET 1997  i386
j@uncle 54% /sbin/mount on /
devfs on /dev (local, noexec, read-only)
uriah:/usr on /usr (read-only)
uriah:/home on /home
mfs:20 on /tmp (asynchronous, local)
procfs on /proc (local, read-only)
j@uncle 55% ls /dev
bpf0%      fd0.820#   log@       rfd0.1480% rvn4%      ttyp2%     ttyvb%
console%   fd0a#      lpctl0%    rfd0.1720% rvn5%      ttyp3%     ttyvc%
cuaa0%     fd0b#      lpt0%      rfd0.720%  rvn6%      ttyp4%     ttyvd%
cuaa1%     fd0c#      mem%       rfd0.800%  rvn7%      ttyp5%     ttyve%
cuaia0%    fd0d#      null%      rfd0.820%  speaker%   ttyp6%     ttyvf%
cuaia1%    fd0e#      ptyp0%     rfd0a%     stderr%    ttyp7%     urandom%
cuala0%    fd0f#      ptyp1%     rfd0b%     stdin%     ttyv0%     vn0#
cuala1%    fd0g#      ptyp2%     rfd0c%     stdout%    ttyv1%     vn1#
drum%      fd0h#      ptyp3%     rfd0d%     tty%       ttyv2%     vn2#
fd/        gsc0%      ptyp4%     rfd0e%     ttyd0%     ttyv3%     vn3#
fd0#       gsc0d%     ptyp5%     rfd0f%     ttyd1%     ttyv4%     vn4#
fd0.1200#  gsc0p%     ptyp6%     rfd0g%     ttyid0%    ttyv5%     vn5#
fd0.1440#  gsc0pd%    ptyp7%     rfd0h%     ttyid1%    ttyv6%     vn6#
fd0.1480#  io%        random%    rvn0%      ttyld0%    ttyv7%     vn7#
fd0.1720#  klog%      rfd0%      rvn1%      ttyld1%    ttyv8%     zero%
fd0.720#   kmem%      rfd0.1200% rvn2%      ttyp0%     ttyv9%     
fd0.800#   lkm%       rfd0.1440% rvn3%      ttyp1%     ttyva%     

That /dev looks fairly tidied up, doesn't it? :-)

Btw., i just notice that ft0 is missing, and:

bpf: ppp0 attached
bpf: ppp1 attached
bpf: lo0 attached

...bpf1 and bpf2 seems to be missing, too.

cheers, J"org -- -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)