From owner-freebsd-questions  Fri Mar 15 06:10:57 1996
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From: Robert Nordier <>
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Subject: Re: Availability of Win95 Filesystem on FreeBSD?
To: (David Clear)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 16:09:32 +0200 (SAT)
In-Reply-To: <> from "David Clear" at Mar 15, 96 09:00:55 am
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On Fri, 15 Mar 1996, David Clear wrote:

> Hi, Two questions:
> +  Can FreeBSD 2.1 msdosfs read/write my Windows 95 partition with long
>    file names?

There's no long name support at present.

> +  Can I trust FreeBSD not to trash my '95 filesystem? (I remember in
>    the past, the msdos filesystem was write-once, read-no-more).

If you avoid using FIPS to set up your partitions, there is a _good
chance_ of using the msdosfs successfully, but currently no more than

> If the answer to either of those is no, are there any estimates on when
> this may happen? (ok, 3 questions)

The msdosfs is actively being worked on at the moment.  The new code is
not complete, however, and when it is, will still need to make it through
testing.  So a final delivery date is uncertain.  However, an enhanced
version of 'mtools' has recently been released, so this may be of some
use in the meantime.

Robert Nordier