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Date:      2 Dec 2003 13:21:57 -0000
From:      Colin Percival <>
Subject:   ports/59901: [MAINTAINER UPDATE] security/freebsd-update 1.5
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>Number:         59901
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [MAINTAINER UPDATE] security/freebsd-update 1.5
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Dec 02 05:30:15 PST 2003
>Originator:     Colin Percival
>Release:        FreeBSD 4.7-SECURITY i386
  Update security/freebsd-update to version 1.5.  This adds a "manual mode"
where files can be "updated" even if they have been locally modified.  This
makes it possible for people to use FreeBSD Update even if they have 
recompiled the system locally.

Feature requested by: Lots and lots of people.
Thinks this enables foot-shooting: Maintainer.


--- freebsd-update.diff.6 begins here ---
diff -ru freebsd-update.orig/Makefile freebsd-update/Makefile
--- freebsd-update.orig/Makefile	Tue Dec  2 13:02:16 2003
+++ freebsd-update/Makefile	Tue Dec  2 13:02:38 2003
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	freebsd-update
 CATEGORIES=	security
diff -ru freebsd-update.orig/distinfo freebsd-update/distinfo
--- freebsd-update.orig/distinfo	Tue Dec  2 13:02:16 2003
+++ freebsd-update/distinfo	Tue Dec  2 13:05:10 2003
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (freebsd-update-1.4.tar.gz) = 431bc5215f14f3e07a11a55b005db372
+MD5 (freebsd-update-1.5.tar.gz) = 99e98324f093b48b902e7021ffffa5ac
--- freebsd-update.diff.6 ends here ---

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