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Date:      Thu, 12 Jun 2003 15:47:09 -0400
From:      Eric W.Bates <>
To:        Andrew Thompson <>, Patrik Forsberg <>
Subject:   Re: Updating Ports on Production Servers
Message-ID:  <>

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If you feel you have to avoid portupgrade (it's a wonderful tool, but
it doesn't work on new machines until you have built it), you can
create a /usr/ports/../ and have it include your own

It would seem that using /usr/ports/Makefile.local would be a good way
to do this; but it is only included during the pre-makefile period of
the build and consequently, won't quite work if the flags you want to
set have to be individual for each port
(e.g. ${CONFIGURE_ARGS}). /usr/ports/../ is included
during both the pre-makefile and post-makefile phases.

Caveat: I have no idea why the ports gurus are including
${MASTERDIR}/../ in /usr/ports/Mk/; so I can't
intelligently promise that this mechanism will continue to work.

# -*- makefile -*-
# $Id:,v 1.2 2002/08/28 15:51:12 ericx Exp $
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.2  2002/08/28 15:51:12  ericx
# Check-in for ASC
# Also added comments and emacs directive
# Revision 1.1  2002/03/19 15:07:59  asc
# Initial revision

# file is loaded up via what may be an oddity in the Mk configuration
# files in /usr/ports/Mk/ AFTER all the variables are set
# in the various Makefiles.  Unlike /etc/make.conf, this gives an
# opportunity to override settings in port Makefiles.

# This requires a flag be set in /etc/make.conf

.if exists(/etc/make.conf.vni)
# But if the flag is set, and the file exists, pull it in.
.include </etc/make.conf.vni>


# -*- makefile -*-
# File:		make.conf.vni
# Author:	Charlie Root,
# Date:		Thu Jan  3 00:34:51 2002
# Time-stamp:	<2003-05-18 10:44:51 ericx>
# Description:	Setting variable in /etc/make.conf is not optimal
#		because those variables are read very early in the
#		compilation process and anything can be overridden in
#		the various Makefiles embedded in the ports
#		system. Nor can variables in /etc/make.conf be set on
#		a per-port basis, because at the time it is read
#		${PORTNAME} has not been set.
#		This file is read in at the END of make's parsing phase
#		after all other Makefiles have been
#		included. Conditional variables can be can be set
#		based on ${PORTNAME} and decisions made by the port's
#		maintainer can be overridden.
#		See also: /etc/make.conf, /usr/, /usr/ports/Mk
# $Id: make.conf.vni,v 1.11 2003/05/18 14:56:07 ericx Exp $
# $Log: make.conf.vni,v $
# Revision 1.11  2003/05/18 14:56:07  ericx
# Removed redundant php4 entry.
# Adjusted php4 entry to use port's configure mechanism.
# Removed OpenLDAP2 option because it causes httpd to core dump.  No
#    idea why.
# Revision 1.10  2003/05/14 18:50:04  ericx
# Please be careful.  This makefile is NOT exclusive to the ports tree;
# but is used system wide by all compiles including buildworld.
# Patched conditionals for mod_php4 and imp3 so they won't barf for
# non-ports compiles.
# Revision 1.9  2003/04/23 14:56:22  asc
# Added bugzilla entry.
# Revision 1.8  2003/04/18 16:04:18  theqblas
# Added imp3 flags
# Revision 1.7  2003/04/18 16:02:44  theqblas
# Added mod_php4 configure args.


HOSTNAME?=		/bin/hostname

.if defined(PORTNAME) && ${PORTNAME} == perl

# Per the INSTALL docs this needs to be a colon-separated
# list of paths. If someone else knows how to do that spanning
# multiple lines, please go nuts.

# Note we are only including the site_perl directories to
# try and prevent any weirdness with the core libraries.

# Note also that we are *not* including the ${PERL_ARCH}
# directory which gets automagically included. Dunno.
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        -Dotherlibdirs=${PREFIX}/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005

# End of perl port configs

.if defined(PORTNAME) && ${PORTNAME} == bugzilla
# Need to find some way to patch the default
# patch for to set webservergroup
# as 'http'. I don't know how to do this; there
# is an entry in bugzilla...
# End of 'bugzilla'

.if defined(PORTNAME) && ${PORTNAME} == apache+mod_ssl
# We disable the use of apache's built-in expat-lite because it makes
# using anything that uses the XML::Parser package in a mod_perl
# context impossible.
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --disable-rule=EXPAT
# End of apache+mod_ssl port configs

.if defined(PORTNAME) && ${PORTNAME} == mod_dav
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-expat=/usr/local
# End of mod_dav

.if defined(PORTNAME) && ${PORTNAME} == mod_php4
# This is to preempt the interactive menu normally used by the php
# port.

# The mod_php4 port uses PHP4_OPTIONS to set a number of compile
# options (including dependencies). Only setting CONFIGURE_ARGS for
# these skips the dependencies and other make linkages; so unless you
# want to look them all up and do them by hand too, just set
# PHP4_OPTIONS above.  The code that runs all this is found in
# /usr/ports/www/mod_php4/scripts/configure.php.  No, I don't really
# grok the need for the escaped quotes...
# as of mod_php4 4.3.1, the compile with openldap 2.0 builds ok; but
# the resultant httpd won't run (no errors; just a core)
		\"zlib\" 	\
		\"mcrypt\" 	\
		\"IMAP\" 	\
		\"IMAP-SSL\" 	\
		\"MySQL\" 	\
		\"OpenSSL\" 	\
		\"XML\" 	\
		\"DOMXML\" 	\
		\"FTP\" 	\
		\"gettext\" 	\

#		\"OpenLDAP2\" 	\

		   --enable-memory-limit 	\

# mod_php4

## IMP flags
.if defined(PORTNAME) && ${PORTNAME} == imp3

# Don't require an IMAP server to exist on this machine

# imp3

.if defined(PKGNAMEPREFIX) && ${PKGNAMEPREFIX} == p5-
# this is a context for (hopefully) all perl5 modules
#.error the var = ${CONFIGURE_ENV}
# p5- modules


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Thompson" <>
To: "Patrik Forsberg" <>
Cc: <>; "Support" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 2:34 AM
Subject: RE: Updating Ports on Production Servers

> On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 18:15, Patrik Forsberg wrote:
> >
> > What a "make deinstall" aculy does is a pkg_delete, so what you could do
> > is a pkg_delete <old-package-name> and then "make install" the new
> > package.
> >
> > The bad part about using portupgrade is that you can't specify any
> > "special" make parameters if you use any - perhaps I haven't dug deap
> > enough into portupgrade to find out how but from what I've seen you
> > can't. So if you use any make params to the port I'd surgest doing a
> > "pkg_delete <port-name>" and then "make install" it rather then using
> > portupgrade.
> >
> Oh, you are quite mistaken. make args are one of its strong points :)
> Firstly you can use -m on the command line. But even better is
> pkgtools.conf where you can store the parameters permanently, no need to
> remember them or retype next time you upgrade.
> Here is a snippet from mine:
>  MAKE_ARGS = {
>         'www/mozilla' =>        '-DWITH_GTK2'
>  }
> Andy

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