From owner-freebsd-hackers  Wed Jan 10 23:01:58 1996
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From: Michael Smith <>
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Subject: Re: DOS File system fixes
To: (Robert Nordier)
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 17:32:06 +1030 (CST)
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Robert Nordier stands accused of saying:
> Looking at it now, though, there is something that needs considering.
> I'm assuming the typical situation of, "It works under dos/win, so why
> can't I use it under FreeBSD?" The reason it works under dos may be an
> OEM device driver which fixes bugs in the firmware/adds features to the
> firmware (eg. SCSI controller cards which are not VDS compliant running
> under mswin). If all that is holding things together is the device driver
> (being that it is cheaper to revise than the firmware), leaving out the
> driver and just going after the *ROM stuff isn't going to be "totally
> successful." So we may need to look at the dos device driver layer for
> the device support package.

Hmm.  I guess I'm looking at this from the perspective of "it works under
vanilla DOS", because it's fairly rare that something will be shipped
that's _that_ bad, and going for the least sophisticated approach.

Having said that of course there are plenty of things that don't have BIOS 
support at all, so you need some way of getting around that.  *sigh* 8)

For a disk BIOS, you'd then have (effectively) a bounce out of the 
penalty box to the read's real buffer, or whatever.

Interrupt delivery may well be an issue; I'm not at all clear on that side
of the issue.

> Robert Nordier

]] Mike Smith, Software Engineer    [[
]] Genesis Software              [[
]] High-speed data acquisition and      (GSM mobile) 0411-222-496       [[
]] realtime instrument control          (ph/fax)  +61-8-267-3039        [[
]] "Who does BSD?" "We do Chucky, we do."                               [[