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Date:      Fri, 05 Jun 1998 18:28:40 -0700
From:      Mike Smith <>
To:        "Caleb R. Miller" <>
Cc:        "''" <hackers@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: FreeBSD as a RTOS 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 05 Jun 1998 13:45:08 MDT." <01BD9088.27E19890@CALEBM> 

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Please expend a little effort formatting your messages; you are likely 
to find people much more disposed to responding to them if you do this.

> Does anyone know of a FreeBSD port that supports RTOS functionality
> such as preemptive multitasking? 

FreeBSD already supports preemtive multitasking.

> What I hoping for was a scheduler that
> would enforce time constraints on processes.

The current scheduler already enforces time constraints on processes.

>  For instance, I want to
> schedule some processes to be allowed to run 4 times/sec, some 2 times/
> sec and some once/sec.

If this is the sort of granularity you require, you can achieve this 
with the current (10ms) scheduler granularity already.

>  The scheduler would let give the highest rate
> process time, then the next higher rate, and so on with the caveat that
> a process gets no more cpu time than it's scheduled for, i.e. if process
> A is scheduled for every 30 seconds and process B for every 15 seconds,
> if A is not done by the next 15 second interval it is preempted and B is
> allowed to run.

Whilst there are various realtime extensions to FreeBSD available and 
under development, I don't think that any of them offer anything that 
you require.  If you require more information on the topic before going 
further, you may want to collect a book on the various Posix realtime 
scheduling extensions, which are available for FreeBSD on an evaluation 
basis, and which will be part of the 3.0 release Q4 this year.

\\  Sometimes you're ahead,       \\  Mike Smith
\\  sometimes you're behind.      \\
\\  The race is long, and in the  \\
\\  end it's only with yourself.  \\

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