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Date:      Thu, 16 Nov 2000 05:31:21 +0100 (CET)
From:      Cyrille Lefevre <>
Subject:   ports/22880: mtools-3.9.6 - symlinks changed from absolute to relative
Message-ID:  <>

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>Number:         22880
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       mtools-3.9.6 - symlinks changed from absolute to relative
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Nov 15 20:40:01 PST 2000
>Originator:     Cyrille Lefevre
>Release:        FreeBSD 4.1-STABLE i386

FreeBSD gits 4.1-STABLE FreeBSD 4.1-STABLE #3: Sat Sep 23 10:20:30 CEST 2000     root@gits:/disk2/4.0-stable/src/sys/compile/CUSTOM  i386


	symlinks changed from absolute to relative




Index: pkg-plist
RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/emulators/mtools/pkg-plist,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -r1.15 pkg-plist
--- pkg-plist	1999/06/05 22:24:47	1.15
+++ pkg-plist	2000/11/16 04:21:48
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mattrib
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mbadblocks
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mcat
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mcd
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mcopy
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mdel
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mdeltree
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mdir
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mdu
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mformat
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/minfo
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mlabel
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mmd
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mmount
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mmove
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mpartition
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mrd
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mread
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mren
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mshowfat
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mtoolstest
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mtype
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mwrite
-@exec ln -fs %D/%F %B/mzip
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mattrib
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mbadblocks
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mcat
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mcd
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mcopy
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mdel
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mdeltree
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mdir
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mdu
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mformat
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/minfo
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mlabel
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mmd
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mmount
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mmove
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mpartition
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mrd
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mread
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mren
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mshowfat
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mtoolstest
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mtype
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mwrite
+@exec ln -fs %f %B/mzip
 @unexec rm %B/mattrib
 @unexec rm %B/mbadblocks
 @unexec rm %B/mcat


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