Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 17:02:28 -0800 (PST) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?D=E1nielisz_L=E1szl=F3?= <> To: "Michael K. Smith" <>, Anh Ky Huynh <> Cc: Subject: Re: pf vs. afp Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <>
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Hi,=0A=0AHere comes my pf.conf=0A=0A#MACROS=0Aext_if=3D"tun0"=0Aint_if=3D"r= l0"=0Alocalnet =3D $int_if:network=0Agood_ip=3D"{ ***** }"=0Aicmp_types=3D"= echoreq"=0Abad_ports =3D "69,135,137,138,139,445,524,548,1433,6000,31337,66= 6,12345"=0Ano_route =3D "{,,, 10.0= .0.0/8, }"=0A=0A=0A#DEFAULT RULES=0Ascrub in all=0A=0A##= #NAT=0Anat on $ext_if from $localnet to any -> ($ext_if)=0A=0A=0A# SPECIAL = IMMEDIATE BLOCKS:=0A# block bad ports and external broadcasts=0Ablock in qu= ick proto { udp,tcp } from any to any port { =3D $bad_ports }=0Ablock in = quick on $ext_if from any to =0A# block weird tcp= packets on ext_if:=0Ablock in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to = any flags FUP/FUP=0Ablock in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to an= y flags SF/SFRA=0Ablock in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to any = flags /SFRA=0A=0A# don't allow anyone to spoof non-routeable addresses=0Abl= ock in quick on $ext_if from $no_route to any=0Ablock out quick on $ext_if= from any to $no_route=0Ablock in all=0A=0A=0A### LOOPBACK=0Apass in quick = on lo0 all=0Apass out quick on lo0 all=0A=0A=0A### EXTERNAL INTERFACE=0A###= =0A#INCOMING: ssh, http=0Apass in log on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $good_= ip to ($ext_if) port { 22 } flags S/SA keep state=0Apass in inet proto icm= p all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state =0A#OUTGOING=0Apass out on $ext_if a= ll=0A=0A### INTERNAL INTERFACE=0A# INCOMING: forward traffic to all over de= stinations =0Apass in quick on $int_if from $int_if/24 to any=0A=0A#pass in= et from { lo0, $localnet } to any=0A=0A#INCOMING: =0Apass in log on $int_i= f inet proto { tcp, udp } from $localnet to ($int_if) port { 21, 22, 80 } f= lags S/SA keep state=0Apass in log on $int_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from = $localnet to ($int_if) port=3D548 flags S/SP keep state =0Apass in log on $= int_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from $localnet to ($int_if) port=3D548 flags= S/SU keep state =0A=0A#pass in dhcp=0Apass in log on $int_if proto { tcp,u= dp } from to $int_if port =3D 67 keep state=0A#pass in quick= on $int_if proto { tcp,udp } from to $int_if port =3D 67 ke= ep state=0A=0A#incoming ftp=0Apass in log on $int_if proto tcp from $localn= et to any port > 49151 keep state=0A=0A =0A# OUTGOING: pass all.=0Apass out= quick on $int_if proto { tcp,udp,icmp } from any to $int_if/24 keep stat= e=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Michael K. Smith <=>=0ATo: D=E1nielisz L=E1szl=F3 < m>; Anh Ky Huynh <>=0ACc: F= ri, December 25, 2009 11:01:05 PM=0ASubject: Re: pf vs. afp=0A=0AYou can us= e the ($int_if) for traffic terminating on the firewall. Any=0Atraffic goi= ng through to another host needs to have the destination defined.=0A=0ACoul= d you include a complete copy (sanitized, of course) of your pf.conf=0Afile= ? There might be something else at work but it's hard to tell without=0Ath= e file.=0A=0AKind Regards,=0A=0AMike=0A=0A=0AOn 12/25/09 8:13 AM, "D=E1niel= isz L=E1szl=F3" <> wrote:=0A=0A> I am using "($i= nt_if)" for ports 22, 80 too and they are working as charm.=0A> This is how= I defined it in my pf.conf:=0A> int_if=3D"rl0"=0A> =0A> Right now I can no= t try it but when I'll be able I'll try your idea and than I=0A> will let y= ou know how it works.=0A> =0A> Thank you!=0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> ______________= __________________=0A> From: Anh Ky Huynh <>=0A> To: D=E1n= ielisz L=E1szl=F3 <>=0A> Cc: freebsd-pf@freebsd.o= rg=0A> Sent: Fri, December 25, 2009 2:06:24 PM=0A> Subject: Re: pf vs. afp= =0A> =0A> On Fri, 25 Dec 2009 04:33:03 -0800 (PST)=0A> D=E1nielisz L=E1szl= =F3 <> wrote:=0A> =0A>> =0A>> ___________________= _____________=0A>> =0A>> Hello,=0A>> =0A>> It's been a while I struggeling = how to deal with apf/netatalk=0A>> passing trough my pf rules. If I disable= pf everything is working=0A>> great (but I still do want firewall on my se= rver). I tried the=0A>> following rule but it still don't lets me in:=0A>> = =0A>> pass in log on $int_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from $localnet to=0A>>= ($int_if) port=3D548 flags S/SA keep state=0A> =0A> I think the problem i= s "($int_if)". You should use, for e.g,=0A> =0A> from $localnet to 192.= 168.1.123=0A> =0A>> When I try a telnet on port 548 I got "Operation timed = out", in=0A>> pflog I can see that my Mac tries to connect but I have no cl= ue why=0A>> it can't when the coresponding port is open, do you have any id= ea?=0A> =0A> Regards,=0A=0A=0A
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