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Date:      Mon, 7 Mar 2022 18:27:09 GMT
From:      Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
Subject:   git: 69e92cb25bbc - main - devel/py-demjson: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+
Message-ID:  <>

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The branch main has been updated by sunpoet:


commit 69e92cb25bbc2a834923fc4f9b26940d0dea0b60
Author:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-07 18:07:20 +0000
Commit:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-07 18:13:17 +0000

    devel/py-demjson: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+
    With  hat:      python
 devel/py-demjson/files/patch-2to3 | 1337 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1337 insertions(+)

diff --git a/devel/py-demjson/files/patch-2to3 b/devel/py-demjson/files/patch-2to3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a5f94c369726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-demjson/files/patch-2to3
@@ -0,0 +1,1337 @@
+---	2015-12-22 19:53:40 UTC
+@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class _undefined_class(object):
+         return self.__module__ + '.undefined'
+     def __str__(self):
+         return 'undefined'
+-    def __nonzero__(self):
++    def __bool__(self):
+         return False
+ undefined = _undefined_class()
+ syntax_error = _undefined_class()  # same as undefined, but has separate identity
+@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ del _nonnumber_float_constants
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Integers
+-class json_int( (1L).__class__ ):    # Have to specify base this way to satisfy 2to3
++class json_int( (1).__class__ ):    # Have to specify base this way to satisfy 2to3
+     """A subclass of the Python int/long that remembers its format (hex,octal,etc).
+     Initialize it the same as an int, but also accepts an additional keyword
+@@ -807,9 +807,9 @@ class utf32(codecs.CodecInfo):
+                 return bytes(f)
+         else:
+             try:
+-                import cStringIO as sio
++                import io as sio
+             except ImportError:
+-                import StringIO as sio
++                import io as sio
+             f = sio.StringIO()
+             write = f.write
+             tobytes = f.getvalue
+@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ class utf32(codecs.CodecInfo):
+                 if errors == 'strict':
+                     raise UnicodeDecodeError('utf32',obj,i,i+4,'Invalid code point U+%04X' % n)
+                 elif errors == 'replace':
+-                    chars.append( unichr(0xFFFD) )
++                    chars.append( chr(0xFFFD) )
+                 elif errors == 'backslashreplace':
+                     if n > 0xffff:
+                         esc = "\\u%04x" % (n,)
+@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ class utf32(codecs.CodecInfo):
+                     pass
+             else:
+                 chars.append( helpers.safe_unichr(n) )
+-        return (u''.join( chars ), num_bytes)
++        return (''.join( chars ), num_bytes)
+     @staticmethod
+     def utf32le_decode( obj, errors='strict' ):
+@@ -960,11 +960,11 @@ class utf32(codecs.CodecInfo):
+ def _make_unsafe_string_chars():
+     import unicodedata
+     unsafe = []
+-    for c in [unichr(i) for i in range(0x100)]:
+-        if c == u'"' or c == u'\\' \
++    for c in [chr(i) for i in range(0x100)]:
++        if c == '"' or c == '\\' \
+                 or unicodedata.category( c ) in ['Cc','Cf','Zl','Zp']:
+             unsafe.append( c )
+-    return u''.join( unsafe )
++    return ''.join( unsafe )
+ class helpers(object):
+     """A set of utility functions."""
+@@ -1029,19 +1029,19 @@ class helpers(object):
+             # Narrow-Unicode python, construct a UTF-16 surrogate pair.
+             w1, w2 = helpers.make_surrogate_pair( codepoint )
+             if w2 is None:
+-                c = unichr(w1)
++                c = chr(w1)
+             else:
+-                c = unichr(w1) + unichr(w2)
++                c = chr(w1) + chr(w2)
+         else:
+-            c = unichr(codepoint)
++            c = chr(codepoint)
+         return c
+     @staticmethod
+     def char_is_unicode_ws( c ):
+         """Determines if the given character is a Unicode space character"""
+-        if not isinstance(c,unicode):
+-            c = unicode(c)
+-        if c in u' \t\n\r\f\v':
++        if not isinstance(c,str):
++            c = str(c)
++        if c in ' \t\n\r\f\v':
+             return True
+         import unicodedata
+         return unicodedata.category(c) == 'Zs'
+@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ class helpers(object):
+         Unicode characters in the Zl or Zp categories.
+         """
+-        return c in u'\r\n\u2028\u2029'
++        return c in '\r\n\u2028\u2029'
+     @staticmethod
+     def char_is_identifier_leader( c ):
+@@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ class helpers(object):
+         """Determines if the character may be part of a JavaScript
+         identifier.
+         """
+-        return c.isalnum() or c in u'_$\u200c\u200d'
++        return c.isalnum() or c in '_$\u200c\u200d'
+     @staticmethod
+     def extend_and_flatten_list_with_sep( orig_seq, extension_seq, separator='' ):
+@@ -1101,13 +1101,13 @@ class helpers(object):
+         """
+         import unicodedata
+-        txt2 = filter( lambda c: unicodedata.category(unicode(c)) != 'Cf', txt )
++        txt2 = [c for c in txt if unicodedata.category(str(c)) != 'Cf']
+         # 2to3 NOTE: The following is needed to work around a broken
+         # Python3 conversion in which filter() will be transformed
+         # into a list rather than a string.
+-        if not isinstance(txt2,basestring):
+-            txt2 = u''.join(txt2)
++        if not isinstance(txt2,str):
++            txt2 = ''.join(txt2)
+         return txt2
+     @staticmethod
+@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ class helpers(object):
+         ords = []
+         for i in range(0, min(len(s),4)):
+             x = s[i]
+-            if isinstance(x, basestring):
++            if isinstance(x, str):
+                 x = ord(x)
+             ords.append( x )
+@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@ class helpers(object):
+             d = ords[3]
+         z = s[-1]
+-        if isinstance(z, basestring):
++        if isinstance(z, str):
+             z = ord(z)
+         if bom4 and ( (hasattr(codecs,'BOM_UTF32_LE') and bom4 == codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE) or
+@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ class helpers(object):
+         the returned value.
+         """
+-        if isinstance(txt, unicode):
++        if isinstance(txt, str):
+             res = _namedtuple('DecodedString',['string','codec','bom'])( txt, None, None )
+         else:
+             if encoding is None or encoding == 'auto':
+@@ -1256,10 +1256,10 @@ class helpers(object):
+             unitxt, numbytes = cdk.decode( txt, **cdk_kw )  # DO THE DECODE HERE!
+             # Remove BOM if present
+-            if len(unitxt) > 0 and unitxt[0] == u'\uFEFF':
++            if len(unitxt) > 0 and unitxt[0] == '\uFEFF':
+                 bom = cdk.encode(unitxt[0])[0]
+                 unitxt = unitxt[1:]
+-            elif len(unitxt) > 0 and unitxt[0] == u'\uFFFE': # Reversed BOM
++            elif len(unitxt) > 0 and unitxt[0] == '\uFFFE': # Reversed BOM
+                 raise UnicodeDecodeError(,txt,0,0,"Wrong byte order, found reversed BOM U+FFFE")
+             else:
+                 bom = None
+@@ -1299,9 +1299,9 @@ class helpers(object):
+         n = ord(c)
+         w1, w2 = helpers.make_surrogate_pair(n)
+         if w2 is None:
+-            return (unichr(w1),)
++            return (chr(w1),)
+         else:
+-            return (unichr(w1), unichr(w2))
++            return (chr(w1), chr(w2))
+     @staticmethod
+     def make_surrogate_pair( codepoint ):
+@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ class helpers(object):
+     @staticmethod
+     def isnumbertype( obj ):
+         """Is the object of a Python number type (excluding complex)?"""
+-        return isinstance(obj, (int,long,float)) \
++        return isinstance(obj, (int,float)) \
+                and not isinstance(obj, bool) \
+                or obj is nan or obj is inf or obj is neginf \
+                or (decimal and isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal))
+@@ -1356,12 +1356,12 @@ class helpers(object):
+     @staticmethod
+     def isstringtype( obj ):
+         """Is the object of a Python string type?"""
+-        if isinstance(obj, basestring):
++        if isinstance(obj, str):
+             return True
+         # Must also check for some other pseudo-string types
+-        import types, UserString
+-        return isinstance(obj, types.StringTypes) \
+-               or isinstance(obj, UserString.UserString)
++        import types, collections
++        return isinstance(obj, (str,)) \
++               or isinstance(obj, collections.UserString)
+                ## or isinstance(obj, UserString.MutableString)
+     @staticmethod
+@@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ class buffered_stream(object):
+     def restore_position(self):
+         try:
+             old_pos = self.__saved_pos.pop()   # Can raise IndexError
+-        except IndexError, err:
++        except IndexError as err:
+             raise IndexError("Attempt to restore buffer position that was never saved")
+         else:
+             self.__pos = old_pos
+@@ -1669,13 +1669,13 @@ class buffered_stream(object):
+         self.rewind()
+         self.__codec = None
+         self.__bom = None
+-        self.__rawbuf = u''
++        self.__rawbuf = ''
+         self.__cmax = 0  # max number of chars in input
+         try:
+             decoded = helpers.unicode_decode( txt, encoding )
+         except JSONError:
+             raise
+-        except Exception, err:
++        except Exception as err:
+             # Re-raise as a JSONDecodeError
+             e2 = sys.exc_info()
+             newerr = JSONDecodeError("a Unicode decoding error occurred")
+@@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ class JSONError(JSONException):
+         self._position = None
+         self.outer_position = None
+         self.context_description = None
+-        for kw,val in kwargs.items():
++        for kw,val in list(kwargs.items()):
+             if kw == 'severity':
+                 if val not in self.severities:
+                     raise TypeError("%s given invalid severity %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, val))
+@@ -2339,7 +2339,7 @@ class decode_statistics(object):
+         if self.min_codepoint is not None:
+             cp = 'U+%04X' % self.min_codepoint
+             try:
+-                charname =
++                charname =
+             except ValueError:
+                 charname = '? UNKNOWN CHARACTER'
+             lines.append("   min codepoint: %6s  (%s)" % (cp, charname))
+@@ -2349,7 +2349,7 @@ class decode_statistics(object):
+         if self.max_codepoint is not None:
+             cp = 'U+%04X' % self.max_codepoint
+             try:
+-                charname =
++                charname =
+             except ValueError:
+                 charname = '? UNKNOWN CHARACTER'
+             lines.append("   max codepoint: %6s  (%s)" % (cp, charname))
+@@ -2491,7 +2491,7 @@ class decode_state(object):
+         outer_position = None
+         severity = 'error'
+         context_description = None
+-        for kw, val in kwargs.items():
++        for kw, val in list(kwargs.items()):
+             if kw == 'position': position = val
+             elif kw == 'outer_position': outer_position = val
+             elif kw == 'severity': severity = val
+@@ -2776,9 +2776,9 @@ def smart_sort_transform( key ):
+     zero = ord('0')
+     if not key:
+         key = ''
+-    elif isinstance( key, (int,long) ):
++    elif isinstance( key, int ):
+         key = numfmt % key
+-    elif isinstance( key, basestring ):
++    elif isinstance( key, str ):
+         keylen = len(key)
+         words = []
+         i=0
+@@ -2810,10 +2810,8 @@ except ImportError:
+     _OrderedDict = None
+-class json_options(object):
++class json_options(object, metaclass=_behaviors_metaclass):
+     """Options to determine how strict the decoder or encoder should be."""
+-    __metaclass__ = _behaviors_metaclass
+     _behavior_values = (ALLOW, WARN, FORBID)
+     _behaviors = (
+         ("all_numeric_signs",
+@@ -2962,7 +2960,7 @@ class json_options(object):
+             # Do this keyword first, so other keywords may override specific behaviors
+             self.strictness = kwargs['strict']
+-        for kw,val in kwargs.items():
++        for kw,val in list(kwargs.items()):
+             if kw == 'compactly': # alias for 'encode_compactly'
+                 self.encode_compactly = val
+             elif kw == 'strict':
+@@ -2973,9 +2971,9 @@ class json_options(object):
+             elif kw == 'html_safe' or kw == 'xml_safe':
+                 if bool(val):
+                     if self.always_escape_chars is None:
+-                        self.always_escape_chars = set(u'<>/&')
++                        self.always_escape_chars = set('<>/&')
+                     else:
+-                        self.always_escape_chars.update( set(u'<>/&') )
++                        self.always_escape_chars.update( set('<>/&') )
+             elif kw == 'always_escape':
+                 if val:
+                     if self.always_escape_chars is None:
+@@ -3001,14 +2999,14 @@ class json_options(object):
+                         self.decimal_context = decimal.ExtendedContext
+                     elif isinstance(val, decimal.Context):
+                         self.decimal_context = val
+-                    elif isinstance(val,(int,long)) or val[0].isdigit:
++                    elif isinstance(val,int) or val[0].isdigit:
+                         prec = int(val)
+                         self.decimal_context = decimal.Context( prec=prec )
+                     else:
+                         raise ValueError("Option for %r should be a decimal.Context, a number of significant digits, or one of 'default','basic', or 'extended'." % (kw,))
+             elif kw in ('allow','warn','forbid','prevent','deny'):
+                 action = {'allow':ALLOW, 'warn':WARN, 'forbid':FORBID, 'prevent':FORBID, 'deny':FORBID}[ kw ]
+-                if isinstance(val,basestring):
++                if isinstance(val,str):
+                     val = [b.replace('-','_') for b in val.replace(',',' ').split()]
+                 for behavior in val:
+                     self.set_behavior( behavior, action )
+@@ -3177,19 +3175,19 @@ class json_options(object):
+         Returns a number value, which could be an int, float, or decimal.
+         """
+-        if isinstance(sign, (int,long)):
++        if isinstance(sign, int):
+             if sign < 0:
+                 sign = '-'
+             else:
+                 sign = '+'
+-        if isinstance(s,basestring):
++        if isinstance(s,str):
+             if s.startswith('-') or s.startswith('+'):
+                 sign = s[0]
+                 s = s[1:]
+         if self.int_as_float:
+             # Making a float/decimal
+-            if isinstance(s, (int,long)):
++            if isinstance(s, int):
+                 if self.float_type == NUMBER_DECIMAL:
+                     n = self.decimal_context.create_decimal( s )
+                     if sign=='-':
+@@ -3213,7 +3211,7 @@ class json_options(object):
+                 n2 = self.make_float( s[:-1] + ('9' if s[-1]<='5' else '0'), sign )
+                 if (n==inf or n==n2) and self.float_type != NUMBER_FLOAT:
+                     n = self.make_decimal( s, sign )
+-        elif isinstance( s, (int,long) ):
++        elif isinstance( s, int ):
+             # already an integer
+             n = s
+             if sign=='-':
+@@ -3233,7 +3231,7 @@ class json_options(object):
+                         n = self.negzero_float
+                     else:
+                         n *= -1
+-        if isinstance(n,(int,long)) and self.keep_format:
++        if isinstance(n,int) and self.keep_format:
+             n = json_int(n, number_format=number_format)
+         return n
+@@ -3246,7 +3244,7 @@ class json_options(object):
+         if s.startswith('-') or s.startswith('+'):
+             sign = s[0]
+             s = s[1:]
+-        elif isinstance(sign, (int,long)):
++        elif isinstance(sign, int):
+             if sign < 0:
+                 sign = '-'
+             else:
+@@ -3274,7 +3272,7 @@ class json_options(object):
+         if s.startswith('-') or s.startswith('+'):
+             sign = s[0]
+             s = s[1:]
+-        elif isinstance(sign, (int,long)):
++        elif isinstance(sign, int):
+             if sign < 0:
+                 sign = '-'
+             else:
+@@ -3296,7 +3294,7 @@ class json_options(object):
+         return self._leading_zero_radix
+     @leading_zero_radix.setter
+     def leading_zero_radix(self, radix):
+-        if isinstance(radix,basestring):
++        if isinstance(radix,str):
+             try:
+                 radix = int(radix)
+             except ValueError:
+@@ -3415,7 +3413,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                     '\\': '\\\\' }
+     _optional_rev_escapes = { '/': '\\/' }  # only escaped if forced to do so
+-    json_syntax_characters = u"{}[]\"\\,:0123456789.-+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \t\n\r"
++    json_syntax_characters = "{}[]\"\\,:0123456789.-+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \t\n\r"
+     all_hook_names = ('decode_number', 'decode_float', 'decode_object',
+                       'decode_array', 'decode_string',
+@@ -3458,8 +3456,8 @@ class JSON(object):
+         self._asciiencodable = \
+             [32 <= c < 128 \
+-                 and not self._rev_escapes.has_key(chr(c)) \
+-                 and not unicodedata.category(unichr(c)) in ['Cc','Cf','Zl','Zp']
++                 and chr(c) not in self._rev_escapes \
++                 and not unicodedata.category(chr(c)) in ['Cc','Cf','Zl','Zp']
+              for c in range(0,256)]
+     @property
+@@ -3588,7 +3586,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+             rval = hook( input_object, *args, **kwargs )
+         except JSONSkipHook:
+             raise  # Do nothing
+-        except Exception, err:
++        except Exception as err:
+             exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+             if hook_name.startswith('encode_'):
+                 ex_class = JSONEncodeHookError
+@@ -3621,9 +3619,9 @@ class JSON(object):
+         if not self.options.unicode_whitespace:
+             return c in ' \t\n\r'
+         else:
+-            if not isinstance(c,unicode):
+-                c = unicode(c)
+-            if c in u' \t\n\r\f\v':
++            if not isinstance(c,str):
++                c = str(c)
++            if c in ' \t\n\r\f\v':
+                 return True
+             import unicodedata
+             return unicodedata.category(c) == 'Zs'
+@@ -3636,7 +3634,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+         """
+         if c == '\r' or c == '\n':
+             return True
+-        if c == u'\u2028' or c == u'\u2029': # unicodedata.category(c) in  ['Zl', 'Zp']
++        if c == '\u2028' or c == '\u2029': # unicodedata.category(c) in  ['Zl', 'Zp']
+             return True
+         return False
+@@ -3734,7 +3732,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                         val = self.call_hook( hook_name, nbr, position=start_position )
+                     except JSONSkipHook:
+                         pass
+-                    except JSONError, err:
++                    except JSONError as err:
+                         state.push_exception(err)
+                         val = undefined
+                     else:
+@@ -3795,7 +3793,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                 return undefined
+         # Check for radix-prefixed numbers
+-        elif c == '0' and (buf.peek(1) in [u'x',u'X']):
++        elif c == '0' and (buf.peek(1) in ['x','X']):
+             # ----- HEX NUMBERS 0x123
+             prefix = buf.popstr(2)
+             digits = buf.popwhile( helpers.is_hex_digit )
+@@ -3810,7 +3808,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+             state.update_integer_stats( ival, sign=sign, position=start_position )
+             n = state.options.make_int( ival, sign, number_format=NUMBER_FORMAT_HEX )
+             return n
+-        elif c == '0' and (buf.peek(1) in [u'o','O']):
++        elif c == '0' and (buf.peek(1) in ['o','O']):
+             # ----- NEW-STYLE OCTAL NUMBERS  0o123
+             prefix = buf.popstr(2)
+             digits = buf.popwhile( helpers.is_octal_digit )
+@@ -3825,7 +3823,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+             state.update_integer_stats( ival, sign=sign, position=start_position )
+             n = state.options.make_int( ival, sign, number_format=NUMBER_FORMAT_OCTAL )
+             return n
+-        elif c == '0' and (buf.peek(1) in [u'b','B']):
++        elif c == '0' and (buf.peek(1) in ['b','B']):
+             # ----- NEW-STYLE BINARY NUMBERS  0b1101
+             prefix = buf.popstr(2)
+             digits = buf.popwhile( helpers.is_binary_digit )
+@@ -3999,7 +3997,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+             state.append( n.json_format() )
+             return
+-        if isinstance(n, (int,long)):
++        if isinstance(n, int):
+             state.append( str(n) )
+             return
+@@ -4101,7 +4099,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                                           position=highsur_position, outer_position=string_position,
+                                           context='String')
+                         should_stop = state.should_stop
+-                        uc = u'\ufffd' # replacement char
++                        uc = '\ufffd' # replacement char
+                     _append( uc )
+                     high_surrogate = None
+                     highsur_position = None
+@@ -4111,7 +4109,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                                      position=highsur_position, outer_position=string_position,
+                                      context='String')
+                     should_stop = state.should_stop
+-                    _append( u'\ufffd' ) # replacement char
++                    _append( '\ufffd' ) # replacement char
+                     high_surrogate = None
+                     highsur_position = None
+@@ -4153,7 +4151,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                         _append( chr(n) )
+                     else:
+                         _append( helpers.safe_unichr(n) )
+-                elif escapes.has_key(c):
++                elif c in escapes:
+                     buf.skip()
+                     _append( escapes[c] )
+                 elif c == 'u' or c == 'x':
+@@ -4214,7 +4212,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                     if high_surrogate:
+                         # Decode surrogate pair and clear high surrogate
+-                        low_surrogate = unichr(codepoint)
++                        low_surrogate = chr(codepoint)
+                         try:
+                             uc = helpers.surrogate_pair_as_unicode( high_surrogate, low_surrogate )
+                         except ValueError as err:
+@@ -4222,7 +4220,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                                               outer_position=string_position,
+                                               context='String')
+                             should_stop = state.should_stop
+-                            uc = u'\ufffd' # replacement char
++                            uc = '\ufffd' # replacement char
+                         _append( uc )
+                         high_surrogate = None
+                         highsur_position = None
+@@ -4236,14 +4234,14 @@ class JSON(object):
+                             should_stop = state.should_stop
+                         _append( chr(codepoint) )
+                     elif 0xd800 <= codepoint <= 0xdbff: # high surrogate
+-                        high_surrogate = unichr(codepoint)  # remember until we get to the low surrogate
++                        high_surrogate = chr(codepoint)  # remember until we get to the low surrogate
+                         highsur_position = escape_position.copy()
+                     elif 0xdc00 <= codepoint <= 0xdfff: # low surrogate
+                         state.push_error('Low unicode surrogate must be proceeded by a high surrogate', position=escape_position,
+                                          outer_position=string_position,
+                                          context='String')
+                         should_stop = state.should_stop
+-                        _append( u'\ufffd' ) # replacement char
++                        _append( '\ufffd' ) # replacement char
+                     else:
+                         # Other chars go in as a unicode char
+                         _append( helpers.safe_unichr(codepoint) )
+@@ -4301,7 +4299,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+             state.push_error('High unicode surrogate must be followed by a low surrogate',
+                              position=highsur_position, outer_position=string_position,
+                              context='String')
+-            _append( u'\ufffd' ) # replacement char
++            _append( '\ufffd' ) # replacement char
+             high_surrogate = None
+             highsur_position = None
+@@ -4323,7 +4321,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                 s = self.call_hook( 'decode_string', s, position=string_position )
+             except JSONSkipHook:
+                 pass
+-            except JSONError, err:
++            except JSONError as err:
+                 state.push_exception(err)
+                 s = undefined
+         return s
+@@ -4336,16 +4334,16 @@ class JSON(object):
+         # able to use ord() on it's simulated "characters".  Also
+         # convert Python2 'str' types to unicode strings first.
+         import unicodedata, sys
+-        import UserString
++        import collections
+         py2strenc = self.options.py2str_encoding
+-        if isinstance(s, UserString.UserString):
++        if isinstance(s, collections.UserString):
+             def tochar(c):
+                 c2 =
+-                if py2strenc and not isinstance(c2,unicode):
++                if py2strenc and not isinstance(c2,str):
+                     return c2.decode( py2strenc )
+                 else:
+                     return c2
+-        elif py2strenc and not isinstance(s,unicode):
++        elif py2strenc and not isinstance(s,str):
+             s = s.decode( py2strenc )
+             tochar = None
+         else:
+@@ -4386,8 +4384,8 @@ class JSON(object):
+                         i += 1
+                     else:
+                         break
+-                chunks.append( unicode(s[j:i]) )
+-            elif revesc.has_key(c):
++                chunks.append( str(s[j:i]) )
++            elif c in revesc:
+                 # Has a shortcut escape sequence, like "\n"
+                 chunks.append(revesc[c])
+                 i += 1
+@@ -4431,7 +4429,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                     doesc = encunicode
+                 if doesc:
+-                    if optrevesc.has_key(c):
++                    if c in optrevesc:
+                         chunks.append(optrevesc[c])
+                     else:
+                         chunks.append(r'\u%04x' % cord)
+@@ -4498,7 +4496,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                     val = self.call_hook( 'decode_float', kw, position=start_position )
+                 except JSONSkipHook:
+                     pass
+-                except JSONError, err:
++                except JSONError as err:
+                     state.push_exception(err)
+                     return undefined
+                 else:
+@@ -4508,7 +4506,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                     val = self.call_hook( 'decode_number', kw, position=start_position )
+                 except JSONSkipHook:
+                     pass
+-                except JSONError, err:
++                except JSONError as err:
+                     state.push_exception(err)
+                     return undefined
+                 else:
+@@ -4793,7 +4791,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                     obj = self.call_hook( 'decode_object', obj, position=start_position )
+                 except JSONSkipHook:
+                     pass
+-                except JSONError, err:
++                except JSONError as err:
+                     state.push_exception(err)
+                     obj = undefined
+         else:
+@@ -4803,7 +4801,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+                     obj = self.call_hook( 'decode_array', obj, position=start_position )
+                 except JSONSkipHook:
+                     pass
+-                except JSONError, err:
++                except JSONError as err:
+                     state.push_exception(err)
+                     obj = undefined
+         return obj
+@@ -4888,9 +4886,9 @@ class JSON(object):
+         if not state.has_errors:
+             try:
+                 self._do_decode( state )    # DECODE!
+-            except JSONException, err:
++            except JSONException as err:
+                 state.push_exception( err )
+-            except Exception, err:   # Mainly here to catch maximum recursion depth exceeded
++            except Exception as err:   # Mainly here to catch maximum recursion depth exceeded
+                 e2 = sys.exc_info()
+                 raise
+                 newerr = JSONDecodeError("An unexpected failure occured", severity='fatal', position=state.buf.position)
+@@ -4955,8 +4953,8 @@ class JSON(object):
+                     # Only whitespace, line and paragraph separators,
+                     # and format control chars are legal here.
+                     import unicodedata
+-                    catfirst = unicodedata.category(unicode(first))
+-                    catsecond = unicodedata.category(unicode(second))
++                    catfirst = unicodedata.category(str(first))
++                    catsecond = unicodedata.category(str(second))
+                     if catfirst not in ('Zs','Zl','Zp','Cf') or \
+                            catsecond not in ('Zs','Zl','Zp','Cf'):
+                         state.push_fatal( 'The input is gibberish, is the Unicode encoding correct?' )
+@@ -4996,10 +4994,10 @@ class JSON(object):
+             c = 'undefined'
+         elif isinstance(obj,bool):
+             c =  'bool'
+-        elif isinstance(obj, (int,long,float,complex)) or\
++        elif isinstance(obj, (int,float,complex)) or\
+                 (decimal and isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal)):
+             c = 'number'
+-        elif isinstance(obj, basestring) or helpers.isstringtype(obj):
++        elif isinstance(obj, str) or helpers.isstringtype(obj):
+             c = 'string'
+         else:
+             if isinstance(obj,dict):
+@@ -5104,7 +5102,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+         if encoding is not None:
+             try:
+                 output, nchars = cdk.encode( JSON.json_syntax_characters )
+-            except UnicodeError, err:
++            except UnicodeError as err:
+                 raise JSONEncodeError("Output encoding %s is not sufficient to encode JSON" %
+         # Do the JSON encoding!
+@@ -5119,7 +5117,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+         else:
+             try:
+                 output, nchars = cdk.encode( unitxt )
+-            except UnicodeEncodeError, err:
++            except UnicodeEncodeError as err:
+                 # Re-raise as a JSONDecodeError
+                 e2 = sys.exc_info()
+                 newerr = JSONEncodeError("a Unicode encoding error occurred")
+@@ -5166,12 +5164,12 @@ class JSON(object):
+         elif obj_classification == 'number':
+             try:
+                 self.encode_number( obj, state )
+-            except JSONEncodeError, err1:
++            except JSONEncodeError as err1:
+                 # Bad number, probably a complex with non-zero imaginary part.
+                 # Let the default encoders take a shot at encoding.
+                 try:
+                     self.try_encode_default(obj, state)
+-                except Exception, err2:
++                except Exception as err2:
+                     # Default handlers couldn't deal with it, re-raise original exception.
+                     raise err1
+         elif obj_classification == 'string':
+@@ -5300,7 +5298,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+         it = None
+         if isdict and hasattr(obj,'iterkeys'):
+             try:
+-                it = obj.iterkeys()
++                it = iter(obj.keys())
+             except AttributeError:
+                 pass
+         else:
+@@ -5348,7 +5346,7 @@ class JSON(object):
+             try: # while not StopIteration
+                 part_idx = 0
+                 while True:
+-                    obj2 =
++                    obj2 = next(it)
+                     part_idx += 1   # Note, will start counting at 1
+                     if obj2 is obj:
+                         raise JSONEncodeError('trying to encode an infinite sequence',obj)
+@@ -5410,9 +5408,9 @@ class JSON(object):
+                 elif srt == SORT_SMART:
+                     part_keys.sort( key=(lambda t: (smart_sort_transform(t[0]),t[0])) )
+                 elif srt == SORT_ALPHA_CI:
+-                    part_keys.sort( key=(lambda t: (unicode(t[0]).upper(),t[0])) )
++                    part_keys.sort( key=(lambda t: (str(t[0]).upper(),t[0])) )
+                 elif srt or srt == SORT_ALPHA:
+-                    part_keys.sort( key=(lambda t: unicode(t[0])) )
++                    part_keys.sort( key=(lambda t: str(t[0])) )
+                 # Now make parts match the new sort order
+                 if srt is not None:
+                     parts = [parts[pk[1]] for pk in part_keys]
+@@ -5672,7 +5670,7 @@ def decode( txt, encoding=None, **kwargs ):
+     kwargs = kwargs.copy()
+     todel = []
+-    for kw,val in kwargs.items():
++    for kw,val in list(kwargs.items()):
+         if kw == "return_errors":
+             return_errors = bool(val)
+             todel.append(kw)
+@@ -5736,7 +5734,7 @@ def encode_to_file( filename, obj, encoding='utf-8', o
+     if not encoding:
+         encoding = 'utf-8'
+-    if not isinstance(filename,basestring) or not filename:
++    if not isinstance(filename,str) or not filename:
+         raise TypeError("Expected a file name")
+     if not overwrite and os.path.exists(filename):
+@@ -5761,7 +5759,7 @@ def decode_file( filename, encoding=None, **kwargs ):
+     See the decode() function for a description of other possible options.
+     """
+-    if isinstance(filename,basestring):
++    if isinstance(filename,str):
+         try:
+             fp = open(filename, 'rb')
+         except Exception:
+@@ -5947,11 +5945,11 @@ MORE INFORMATION:
+                               write_stats=stats_fp,
+                               filename_for_errors=pfx,
+                               json_options=jsonopts )
+-        except JSONError, err:
++        except JSONError as err:
+             success = self.SUCCESS_FAIL
+             if verbose_fp:
+                 verbose_fp.write('%s%s\n' % (pfx, err.pretty_description()) )
+-        except Exception, err:
++        except Exception as err:
+             success = self.SUCCESS_FAIL
+             if verbose_fp:
+                 verbose_fp.write('%s%s\n' % (pfx, str(err) ))
+@@ -5998,7 +5996,7 @@ MORE INFORMATION:
+                 fp = open( filename, 'rb' )
+                 jsondata =
+                 fp.close()
+-            except IOError, err:
++            except IOError as err:
+                 self.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (pfx, str(err)) )
+                 return self.SUCCESS_FAIL
+             if verbose:
+@@ -6018,7 +6016,7 @@ MORE INFORMATION:
+                 try:
+                     fp = open( output_filename, 'wb' )
+                     fp.write( reformatted )
+-                except IOError, err:
++                except IOError as err:
+                     self.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (pfx, str(err)) )
+                     success = False
+             else:
+@@ -6090,7 +6088,7 @@ MORE INFORMATION:
+                                          'allow=', 'warn=', 'forbid=', 'deny=',
+                                          'help', 'help-behaviors',
+                                          'version','copyright'] )
+-        except getopt.GetoptError, err:
++        except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+             self.stderr.write( "Error: %s.  Use \"%s --help\" for usage information.\n" \
+                                   % (err.msg, self.program_name) )
+             return 1
+@@ -6270,7 +6268,7 @@ the options --allow, --warn, or --forbid ; for example
+                     # checking multiple files, do not change a
+                     # previous error back to ok.
+                     success = False
+-            except KeyboardInterrupt, err:
++            except KeyboardInterrupt as err:
+                 sys.stderr.write("\njsonlint interrupted!\n")
+                 sys.exit(1)
+---	2015-12-22 20:02:25 UTC
+@@ -33,20 +33,6 @@ if False:
+ py3extra = {}
+-if py_major >= 3:
+-    # Make sure 2to3 gets run
+-    if distmech == 'setuptools':
+-        py3extra['use_2to3'] = True
+-        #py3extra['convert_2to3_doctests'] = ['src/your/module/README.txt']
+-        #py3extra['use_2to3_fixers'] = ['your.fixers']
+-    elif distmech == 'distutils':
+-        import distutils, distutils.command, distutils.command.build_py, distutils.command.build_scripts
+-        cmdclass = {
+-            'build_py':      distutils.command.build_py.build_py_2to3,
+-            'build_scripts': distutils.command.build_scripts.build_scripts_2to3
+-            }
+-        py3extra['cmdclass'] = cmdclass
+ setup( name=name,
+        version=version,
+        py_modules=[name],
+--- test/	2014-11-12 20:07:19 UTC
++++ test/
+@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ else:
+     # test method.
+     def skipUnlessPython3(method):
+         def always_pass(self):
+-            print "\nSKIPPING TEST %s: Requires Python 3" % method.__name__
++            print("\nSKIPPING TEST %s: Requires Python 3" % method.__name__)
+             return True
+         return always_pass
+     def skipUnlessPython27(method):
+         def always_pass(self):
+-            print "\nSKIPPING TEST %s: Requires Python 2.7 or greater" % method.__name__
++            print("\nSKIPPING TEST %s: Requires Python 2.7 or greater" % method.__name__)
+             return True
+         return always_pass
+     def skipUnlessWidePython(method):
+         def always_pass(self):
+-            print "\nSKIPPING TEST %s: Requires Python with wide Unicode support (maxunicode > U+FFFF)" % method.__name__
++            print("\nSKIPPING TEST %s: Requires Python with wide Unicode support (maxunicode > U+FFFF)" % method.__name__)
+             return True
+         return always_pass
+@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ class rot_one(codecs.CodecInfo):
+         chars = []
+         for i, b in enumerate(byte_values):
+             if ord('B') <= b <= ord('Z'):
+-                chars.append( unichr(b-1) )
++                chars.append( chr(b-1) )
+             elif b == ord('A'):
+-                chars.append( u'Z' )
+-            elif b <= 0x7fL:
+-                chars.append( unichr(b) )
++                chars.append( 'Z' )
++            elif b <= 0x7f:
++                chars.append( chr(b) )
+             else:
+                 raise UnicodeDecodeError('rot-1',byte_list,i,i,"Can not decode byte value 0x%02x"%b)
+-        return (u''.join(chars), i+1)
++        return (''.join(chars), i+1)
+ ## ------------------------------
+ class no_curly_braces(codecs.CodecInfo):
+@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ class no_curly_braces(codecs.CodecInfo):
+             if b > 0x7f or b == ord('{') or b == ord('}'):
+                 raise UnicodeDecodeError('degenerate',byte_list,i,i,"Can not decode byte value 0x%02x"%b)
+             else:
+-                chars.append( unichr(b) )
+-        return (u''.join(chars), i+1)
++                chars.append( chr(b) )
++        return (''.join(chars), i+1)
+ ## ------------------------------
+@@ -411,11 +411,9 @@ class DemjsonTest(unittest.TestCase):
+         try:
+             m = r.match( value )
+         except TypeError:
+-            raise self.failureException, \
+-                  "can't compare non-string to regex: %r" % value
++            raise self.failureException("can't compare non-string to regex: %r" % value)
+         if m is None:
+-            raise self.failureException, \
+-                  (msg or '%r !~ /%s/' %(value,pattern))
++            raise self.failureException(msg or '%r !~ /%s/' %(value,pattern))
+     def testEncodeNumber(self):
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.encode(0), '0')
+@@ -468,7 +466,7 @@ class DemjsonTest(unittest.TestCase):
+                             'Decimal -0 is not encoded as a negative zero')
+     def testJsonInt(self):
+-        self.assertTrue( isinstance( demjson.json_int(0), (int,long) ) )
++        self.assertTrue( isinstance( demjson.json_int(0), int ) )
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.json_int(0), 0)
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.json_int(555999), 555999)
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.json_int(-555999), -555999)
+@@ -570,10 +568,10 @@ class DemjsonTest(unittest.TestCase):
+     def testDecodeStringUnicodeEscape(self):
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u0000"',warnings=False), '\0')
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u0061"'), 'a')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u2012"'), u'\u2012')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u1eDc"'), u'\u1edc')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\uffff"'), u'\uffff')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u00a012"'), u'\u00a0' + '12')
++        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u2012"'), '\u2012')
++        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u1eDc"'), '\u1edc')
++        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\uffff"'), '\uffff')
++        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u00a012"'), '\u00a0' + '12')
+         self.assertRaises(demjson.JSONDecodeError, demjson.decode, r'"\u041"', strict=True)
+         self.assertRaises(demjson.JSONDecodeError, demjson.decode, r'"\u041Z"', strict=True)
+         self.assertRaises(demjson.JSONDecodeError, demjson.decode, r'"\u"', strict=True)
+@@ -581,8 +579,8 @@ class DemjsonTest(unittest.TestCase):
+     def testEncodeStringUnicodeEscape(self):
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.encode('\0', escape_unicode=True), r'"\u0000"')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.encode(u'\u00e0', escape_unicode=True), r'"\u00e0"')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.encode(u'\u2012', escape_unicode=True), r'"\u2012"')
++        self.assertEqual(demjson.encode('\u00e0', escape_unicode=True), r'"\u00e0"')
++        self.assertEqual(demjson.encode('\u2012', escape_unicode=True), r'"\u2012"')
+     def testHtmlSafe(self):
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.encode('<', html_safe=True), r'"\u003c"')
+@@ -593,14 +591,14 @@ class DemjsonTest(unittest.TestCase):
+         self.assertEqual(demjson.encode('a<b>c&d/e', html_safe=False), r'"a<b>c&d/e"')
+     def testDecodeStringExtendedUnicodeEscape(self):
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{0041}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), u'A')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{1aFe}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), u'\u1afe')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{41}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), u'A')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{1}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), u'\u0001')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{00000000000041}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), u'A')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{1000a}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), u'\U0001000a')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{10ffff}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), u'\U0010FFFF')
+-        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{0000010ffff}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), u'\U0010FFFF')
++        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{0041}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), 'A')
++        self.assertEqual(demjson.decode(r'"\u{1aFe}"',allow_extended_unicode_escapes=True), '\u1afe')
*** 373 LINES SKIPPED ***

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