From owner-freebsd-questions  Tue Mar 27  5:26: 5 2001
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Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:21:23 -0500
From: Bill Moran <>
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To: Luke Kearney <>
Cc: Free BSD <freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject: Re: Qmail vchkpw
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Luke Kearney wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am battling away here with my old Pal qmail.  I am going through the
> process of converting mail domains to virtual mail domains and as with many
> things I am finding qmail is not playing nicely. I went through the standard
> process of using vadddomain to create the new virtual mail domain. OK that
> seemed to work well with the appropriate files turning up under the
> /vpopmail/domains/ folder. In a moment of sheer gusto I then tried to add
> myself as a user. Again ./vadduser , again the file turn up
> in the right place and i thought to give it a test but when I try to login I
> get the errors below.
> #telnet 0 110
> Trying
> Connected to 0.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> +OK <943.985664825@vchkpw>
> user
> +OK
> pass #$@#$
> -ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> I checked the user directory under the newly created domain and yes there is
> a Maildir there which I created using /var/qmail/bin/makemaildir. <-- was
> this not such a great idea perhaps ??  In my ignorance I then made a .qmail
> file telling it to put everything in ./Maildir/

You shouldn't have to do anything other than use vadduser to add the
user. It will create the Maildir and set everything else automatically.
Try removing that user (and everything else you did in adding it) and
recreating it simply by using the vadduser command.
This is assuming that qmail and the virtual domain system were installed


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