From owner-freebsd-current  Sun Nov 16 04:12:24 1997
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Subject: Re: catching up to -current on a 2.2 system
To: kuku@gilberto.physik.RWTH-Aachen.DE (Christoph Kukulies)
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 22:42:16 +1030 (CST)
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> So I decided today to cvsup a machine to -current
> and started a world build which dies very soon with:

My strategy for upgrading from 2.2 to 3.0 has been as follows:

1) Backup /usr/src and /usr/sup/src-all/* (tha latter if you're using 
cvsup to track the source tree)

2) rm -rf /usr/src /usr/sup/src-all/* (I seemed to run into troubles  
with cvsup after upgrading the source tree from 2.2 to 3.0 which seemed 
to be resolved when I removed the checkouts.cvs:2.2 file - I guess this 
was causing cvsup to barf for some reason)

3) Either download the src distribution tree from or 
run cvsup to pull down the new tree

4) make world

5) make a new kernel & install it (backing up the old one). Might help to 
take a look over some of the newer options in 

6) Reboot - you may get errors about "bad system call"s because the 
system is trying to run 3.0 binaries with a 2.2 kernel. DI'm not sure 
just how "unstable" this interim system is, but I havent had any problems 
which have prevented me from building the new kernel before rebooting. 
That is an important step, though - you'll find yourself in trouble if 
you reboot BEFORE compiling and installing a 3.0 kernel, since the 2.2 
kernel will have extreme difficulty interfacing with the 3.0 binaries :-)

7) At some stage, you should upgrade your /etc directory (backing the 
existing files up beforehand, of course). I think theres a tutorial which 
takes you through this on the website.

 > > libkvm_p.a
> rm -f shared/*.o
> rm -f*.* libkvm_pic.a
> rm -f .depend
> rm -f /home/src/lib/libkvm/GRTAGS /home/src/lib/libkvm/GTAGS
> ===> lib/libmd
> "/home/src/lib/libmd/Makefile", line 4: Malformed conditional (${BINFORMAT} != e
> lf)
> "/home/src/lib/libmd/Makefile", line 6: if-less endif
> "/home/src/lib/libmd/Makefile", line 6: Need an operator
> make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
> *** Error code 1       

This may just be a temporary snafu in the CVS tree..happens from time to 
time. Try another cvsup and see what happens: if you notice any 
"activity" in src/lib/libmd, it's likely this was just a bad commit which 
has been rectified.
