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Date:      Sat, 30 Sep 2023 02:24:06 GMT
From:      Muhammad Moinur Rahman <>
Subject:   git: dd81ceff18ce - main - math/py-matplotlib2: Remove expired port
Message-ID:  <>

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The branch main has been updated by bofh:


commit dd81ceff18cedea605269ee79061e1a15070c243
Author:     Muhammad Moinur Rahman <>
AuthorDate: 2023-09-30 00:15:15 +0000
Commit:     Muhammad Moinur Rahman <>
CommitDate: 2023-09-30 02:22:52 +0000

    math/py-matplotlib2: Remove expired port
    2023-09-30 math/py-matplotlib2: Upstream support ended in 2020 and do not support python3 versions existing on the tree
 MOVED                                     |  1 +
 math/Makefile                             |  1 -
 math/py-matplotlib2/Makefile              | 74 --------------------------
 math/py-matplotlib2/distinfo              |  3 --
 math/py-matplotlib2/files/patch-setup.cfg | 88 -------------------------------
 math/py-matplotlib2/files/  | 10 ----
 math/py-matplotlib2/pkg-descr             |  8 ---
 math/py-matplotlib2/pkg-plist             | 19 -------
 8 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 203 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MOVED b/MOVED
index b81b509fc2bc..fcbe08f1a852 100644
--- a/MOVED
+++ b/MOVED
@@ -7885,3 +7885,4 @@ lang/onyx||2023-09-30|Has expired: Requires deprecated cook port
 lang/perl5.32|lang/perl5.34|2023-09-30|Has expired: Support ends three years after .0 release. Please upgrade to a more recent version of Perl
 mail/qtools||2023-09-30|Has expired: Upstream last activity in 2003
 math/djbfft||2023-09-30|Has expired: Abandonware, slow and untouched by upstream for over 20 years
+math/py-matplotlib2|math/py-matplotlib|2023-09-30|Has expired: Upstream support ended in 2020 and do not support python3 versions existing on the tree
diff --git a/math/Makefile b/math/Makefile
index c116f1950771..c27681c2c120 100644
--- a/math/Makefile
+++ b/math/Makefile
@@ -972,7 +972,6 @@
     SUBDIR += py-matplotlib
     SUBDIR += py-matplotlib-inline
     SUBDIR += py-matplotlib-scalebar
-    SUBDIR += py-matplotlib2
     SUBDIR += py-minorminer
     SUBDIR += py-mip
     SUBDIR += py-mixsimulator
diff --git a/math/py-matplotlib2/Makefile b/math/py-matplotlib2/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index fef62d34fe94..000000000000
--- a/math/py-matplotlib2/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-PORTNAME=	matplotlib
-CATEGORIES=	math python
-COMMENT=	Plotting library uses a syntax familiar to MATLAB users (legacy)
-BROKEN_FreeBSD_14=	fails to compile: ISO C++17 does not allow 'register' storage class specifier
-DEPRECATED=	Upstream support ended in 2020 and do not support python3 versions existing on the tree
-EXPIRATION_DATE=	2023-09-30
- \
- \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}cycler>=0.10:devel/py-cycler@${PY_FLAVOR} \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}dateutil>=2.1:devel/py-dateutil@${PY_FLAVOR} \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}pytz>=0:devel/py-pytz@${PY_FLAVOR} \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}pyparsing>=0:devel/py-pyparsing@${PY_FLAVOR} \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}tornado>0:www/py-tornado@${PY_FLAVOR} \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}kiwisolver>=1.0.0:math/py-kiwisolver@${PY_FLAVOR}
-USES=		compiler:c++11-lib gettext gnome pkgconfig python shebangfix uniquefiles:dirs
-USE_PYTHON=	autoplist distutils
-CFLAGS+=	-I${LOCALBASE}/include
-QT5AGGBACKEND_DESC=	Qt5Agg backend support
-QT5AGGBACKEND_USES=	display pyqt:5
-TKAGGBACKEND_DESC=	TKAgg backend support
-TKAGGBACKEND_USES=	display tk:run
-	@${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name '*.py' | ${XARGS} ${CHMOD} -x
-			 -e 's|%%TKAGG_BACKEND%%|${TKAGG_BACKEND}|g' \
-		${WRKSRC}/setup.cfg
-	${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/matplotlib/backends/web_backend/jquery-ui-1.12.1
-	cd ${WRKSRC}/lib/matplotlib/backends/web_backend/jquery-ui-1.12.1 && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/matplotlib/backends/web_backend/jquery-ui-1.12.1
-	${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/matplotlib -name '*.so' \
-		| ${XARGS} ${STRIP_CMD}
-	${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/examples/ ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}
-.include <>
diff --git a/math/py-matplotlib2/distinfo b/math/py-matplotlib2/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d68c003e904..000000000000
--- a/math/py-matplotlib2/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1553231915
-SHA256 (matplotlib-2.2.4.tar.gz) = 029620799e581802961ac1dcff5cb5d3ee2f602e0db9c0f202a90495b37d2126
-SIZE (matplotlib-2.2.4.tar.gz) = 36974286
diff --git a/math/py-matplotlib2/files/patch-setup.cfg b/math/py-matplotlib2/files/patch-setup.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed4928d4a75..000000000000
--- a/math/py-matplotlib2/files/patch-setup.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
---- setup.cfg.orig	2015-09-05 07:46:40 UTC
-+++ setup.cfg
-@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
-+# Rename this file to setup.cfg to modify matplotlib's
-+# build options.
-+tag_svn_revision = 1
-+# Uncomment to override the default basedir in
-+# This can be a single directory or a space-delimited list of directories.
-+#basedirlist = /usr
-+# To suppress display of the dependencies and their versions
-+# at the top of the build log, uncomment the following line:
-+#suppress = True
-+# Uncomment to insert lots of diagnostic prints in extension code
-+#verbose = True
-+# By default, matplotlib checks for a few dependencies and
-+# installs them if missing. This feature can be turned off
-+# by uncommenting the following lines. Acceptible values are:
-+#     True: install, overwrite an existing installation
-+#     False: do not install
-+#     auto: install only if the package is unavailable. This
-+#           is the default behavior
-+## Date/timezone support:
-+pytz = False
-+dateutil = False
-+# Matplotlib supports multiple GUI toolkits, including Cocoa,
-+# GTK, Fltk, MacOSX, Qt, Qt4, Tk, and WX. Support for many of
-+# these toolkits requires AGG, the Anti-Grain Geometry library,
-+# which is provided by matplotlib and built by default.
-+# Some backends are written in pure Python, and others require
-+# extension code to be compiled. By default, matplotlib checks
-+# for these GUI toolkits during installation and, if present,
-+# compiles the required extensions to support the toolkit. GTK
-+# support requires the GTK runtime environment and PyGTK. Wx
-+# support requires wxWidgets and wxPython. Tk support requires
-+# Tk and Tkinter. The other GUI toolkits do not require any
-+# extension code, and can be used as long as the libraries are
-+# installed on your system.
-+# You can uncomment any the following lines if you know you do
-+# not want to use the GUI toolkit. Acceptible values are:
-+#     True: build the extension. Exits with a warning if the
-+#           required dependencies are not available
-+#     False: do not build the extension
-+#     auto: build if the required dependencies are available,
-+#           otherwise skip silently. This is the default
-+#           behavior
-+gtk = False
-+gtkagg = False
-+qt4agg = False
-+qt5agg = %%QT5AGG_BACKEND%%
-+tkagg = %%TKAGG_BACKEND%%
-+wxagg = False
-+#macosx = False
-+# User-configurable options
-+# Default backend, one of: Agg, Cairo, CocoaAgg, GTK, GTKAgg, GTKCairo,
-+# FltkAgg, MacOSX, Pdf, Ps, QtAgg, Qt4Agg, SVG, TkAgg, WX, WXAgg.
-+# The Agg, Ps, Pdf and SVG backends do not require external
-+# dependencies. Do not choose GTK, GTKAgg, GTKCairo, MacOSX, TkAgg or WXAgg
-+# if you have disabled the relevent extension modules.  Agg will be used
-+# by default.
-+#backend = Agg
-+# The numerix module was historically used to provide
-+# compatibility between the Numeric, numarray, and NumPy array
-+# packages. Now that NumPy has emerge as the universal array
-+# package for python, numerix is not really necessary and is
-+# maintained to provide backward compatibility. Do not change
-+# this unless you have a compelling reason to do so.
-+#numerix = numpy
diff --git a/math/py-matplotlib2/files/ b/math/py-matplotlib2/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b533542c000..000000000000
--- a/math/py-matplotlib2/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
----	2019-02-26 00:18:32 UTC
-@@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ class develop_with_jquery(DevelopCommand
- cmdclass['sdist'] = sdist_with_jquery
--cmdclass['install_lib'] = install_lib_with_jquery
- cmdclass['develop'] = develop_with_jquery
diff --git a/math/py-matplotlib2/pkg-descr b/math/py-matplotlib2/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index d47d0c32ae50..000000000000
--- a/math/py-matplotlib2/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality
-figures using in a variety of hardcopy formats (PNG, JPG, PS, SVG) and
-interactive GUI environments (WX, GTK, Tkinter) across platforms. matplotlib
-can be used in python scripts, interactively from the python shell (ala matlab
-or mathematica), in web application servers generating dynamic charts, or
-embedded in GTK, Tk or WX applications; see backends.
-This is the legacy version.
diff --git a/math/py-matplotlib2/pkg-plist b/math/py-matplotlib2/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 03da42589131..000000000000
--- a/math/py-matplotlib2/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@

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