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Date:      Tue, 28 Mar 2000 15:07:54 -0500
From:      "Steven E. Ames" <>
To:        <>
Subject:   Finally: sendmail 8.10 and SMTP Auth
Message-ID:  <023801bf98f1$4fa70770$>

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Whew. I finally managed to get SMTP Auth working with sendmail 8.10 and
FBSD. Here's the basic steps. If someone else has done this and it can
be done more smoothly (or if I left something out thats going to bite me
l8r) let me know...

1. Install cyrus-SASL from /usr/ports/security
2. Create /usr/local/lib/sasl/Sendmail.conf

    pwcheck_method: passwd

3. download the sendmail.8.10.0.tar.gz file. uncomress/untar it
4. Edit devtools/OS/FreeBSD

    -define(`confMAPDEF', `-DNEWDB -DNIS -DMAP_REGEX')
    -define(`confLIBS', `-lutil')
    +define(`confMAPDEF', `-DNEWDB -DNIS -DMAP_REGEX -DSASL=1')
    +define(`confLIBS', `-lutil -L/usr/local/lib -lsasl')

5. cd sendmail. sh Build && sh Build install
6. (sh Build && sh Build install) (do this in mail.local, etc...)
7. create a new .cf file
    cd cf/cf
    cp /usr/src/etc/senmail/ .

        +define(`confAUTH_MECHANISMS',`LOGIN PLAIN')

    sh Build
    cp /etc/mail/

8. Move /etc/aliases to /etc/mail/aliases and 'newaliases'
9. Modify /etc/make.conf:

    NO_SENDMAIL=    true

    This line keeps 'make world' from overwriting the sendmail you just
    built with the version that comes with the OS. Until the OS version
    does what we want this is a necessary evil.

And that should be that. Much fun.


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