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Date:      Wed, 02 Nov 2011 19:04:18 +0900
From:      Takefu <>
Subject:   ports/162247: [UPDATE] devel/apr0: Update 0.9.20
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <>

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>Number:         162247
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [UPDATE] devel/apr0: Update 0.9.20
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Nov 02 10:10:07 UTC 2011
>Originator:     Takefu
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p3 amd64
FOX Amateur Radio Club
  Update to 0.9.19 -> 0.9.20
  Ensure correct IPv6 failure in specific environments.

Port maintainer ( is cc'd.

--- apr0.patch begins here ---
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/Makefile devel/apr0/Makefile
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/Makefile	2011-09-29 14:00:57.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/Makefile	2011-11-02 17:55:38.000000000 +0900
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 		NDBM	"Enable NDBM support in apr-util"		off \
 		DEVRANDOM "Use /dev/random or compatible in apr"	on

-APR_VERSION=	0.9.19
+APR_VERSION=	0.9.20
 APU_VERSION=	0.9.19

@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@
 	${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,-lpthread,${PTHREAD_LIBS},g' \
 		${APR_WRKDIR}/build/apr_threads.m4 ${APR_WRKDIR}/build/apr_hints.m4 \
+	${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,void main(void),int main(void),'\
+		${APR_WRKDIR}/build/apr_network.m4

 	cd ${APR_WRKDIR} ; \
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/distinfo devel/apr0/distinfo
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/distinfo	2011-07-04 09:05:55.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/distinfo	2011-11-02 17:19:45.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SHA256 (apr-0.9.19.tar.gz) = bd2124a53fdc2a3ff2868554bef6381b96a1f9e0bdb20d1a71dbe5497025c8e4
-SIZE (apr-0.9.19.tar.gz) = 1068153
+SHA256 (apr-0.9.20.tar.gz) = db9feb30dedb916d7a4d893336e20df8c01bdfa65b4eeb36ad7c3d763860a76e
+SIZE (apr-0.9.20.tar.gz) = 1084515
 SHA256 (apr-util-0.9.19.tar.gz) = 9ffa9f5a1a0d2eddddd1c114e99a8f5e49aa8018db6f0bc6eeab4724d9eaa085
 SIZE (apr-util-0.9.19.tar.gz) = 591729
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/ devel/apr0/files/
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/	2010-10-21 06:16:45.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- ./apr-0.9.19/build/	2004-11-24 23:10:04.000000000 +0000
-+++ ./apr-0.9.19/build/	2010-10-20 21:08:11.853623919 +0000
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- # output is multiline from 1.5 onwards
- # Require libtool 1.3.3 or newer
--libtool=`build/PrintPath glibtool libtool`
- lt_pversion=`$libtool --version 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's/([^)]*)//g;s/^[^0-9]*//;s/[- ].*//g;q'`
- if test -z "$lt_pversion"; then
- echo "buildconf: libtool not found."
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__buildconf devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__buildconf
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__buildconf	2010-10-21 06:16:45.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__buildconf	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
---- ./apr-0.9.19/buildconf.orig	2006-09-20 16:04:09.000000000 +0000
-+++ ./apr-0.9.19/buildconf	2010-10-20 21:08:11.863623823 +0000
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- #
- build/ || exit 1
--libtoolize=`build/PrintPath glibtoolize libtoolize`
- if [ "x$libtoolize" = "x" ]; then
-     echo "libtoolize not found in path"
-     exit 1
-@@ -35,29 +35,48 @@
- # Note: APR supplies its own config.guess and config.sub -- we do not
- #       rely on libtool's versions
- #
--echo "Copying libtool helper files ..."
-+echo "buildconf: copying libtool helper files using $libtoolize"
- # Remove any libtool files so one can switch between libtool 1.3
- # and libtool 1.4 by simply rerunning the buildconf script.
--(cd build ; rm -f ltconfig libtool.m4)
--$libtoolize --copy --automake
--ltpath=`dirname $libtoolize`
--ltfile=${LIBTOOL_M4-`cd $ltpath/../share/aclocal ; pwd`/libtool.m4}
-+(cd build ; rm -f ltconfig libtool.m4 ltoptions.m4 ltsugar.m4 ltversion.m4 lt~obsolete.m4)
--if [ ! -f $ltfile ]; then
-+lt_pversion=`$libtoolize --version 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's/([^)]*)//g;s/^[^0-9]*//;s/[- ].*//g;q'`
-+lt_version=`echo $lt_pversion|sed -e 's/\([a-z]*\)$/.\1/'`
-+IFS=.; set $lt_version; IFS=' '
-+if test "$1" = "1"; then
-+  $libtoolize --copy --automake
-+  if [ -f libtool.m4 ]; then
-+    ltfile=`pwd`/libtool.m4
-+  else
-+   ltfindcmd="`sed -n \"/=[^\\\`]/p;/libtool_m4=/{s/.*=/echo /p;q;}\" \
-+                   < $libtoolize`"
-+   ltfile=${LIBTOOL_M4-`eval "$ltfindcmd"`}
-+   # Expecting the code above to be very portable, but just in case...
-+   if [ -z "$ltfile" -o ! -f "$ltfile" ]; then
-+     ltpath=`dirname $libtoolize`
-+     ltfile=${LIBTOOL_M4}
-+   fi
-+  fi
-+  if [ ! -f $ltfile ]; then
-     echo "$ltfile not found"
-     exit 1
-+  fi
-+  # Do we need this anymore?
-+  echo "buildconf: Using libtool.m4 at ${ltfile}."
-+  cat $ltfile | sed -e 's/LIBTOOL=\(.*\)top_build/LIBTOOL=\1apr_build/' > build/libtool.m4
-+if test "$1" = "2"; then
-+  $libtoolize --copy
-+  # Wouldn't it just be better to define top_builddir??
-+  mv build/libtool.m4 build/libtool.m4.$$
-+  cat build/libtool.m4.$$ | sed -e 's/LIBTOOL=\(.*\)top_build/LIBTOOL=\1apr_build/' > build/libtool.m4
-+  chmod 664 build/libtool.m4.$$
-+  rm build/libtool.m4.$$
- fi
--echo "buildconf: Using libtool.m4 at ${ltfile}."
--cat $ltfile | sed -e 's/LIBTOOL=\(.*\)top_build/LIBTOOL=\1apr_build/' > build/libtool.m4
--# This is just temporary until people's workspaces are cleared -- remove
--# any old aclocal.m4 left over from prior build so it doesn't cause errors.
--rm -f aclocal.m4
-+# Clean up any leftovers
-+rm -f aclocal.m4 libtool.m4
- #
- # Generate the autoconf header and ./configure
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__config.layout devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__config.layout
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__config.layout	2010-10-21 06:16:45.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__config.layout	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- ./apr-0.9.19/config.layout.orig	2004-11-24 23:02:04.000000000 +0000
-+++ ./apr-0.9.19/config.layout	2010-10-20 21:08:11.854622653 +0000
-@@ -229,3 +229,7 @@
-     infodir:       ${exec_prefix}/share/info
-     libsuffix:    -${APR_MAJOR_VERSION}
- </Layout>
-+<Layout FreeBSD>
-+    libsuffix:
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/ devel/apr0/files/
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/	2010-10-21 06:16:45.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
---- ./apr-0.9.19/	2008-06-20 17:32:47.000000000 +0000
-+++ ./apr-0.9.19/	2010-10-20 21:08:11.857624440 +0000
-@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
- AC_INIT(build/apr_common.m4)
- AC_CONFIG_HEADER(include/arch/unix/apr_private.h)
- dnl
- dnl Include our own M4 macros along with those for libtool
-@@ -16,6 +17,11 @@
- sinclude(build/apr_threads.m4)
- sinclude(build/apr_hints.m4)
- sinclude(build/libtool.m4)
- dnl Save user-defined environment settings for later restoration
- dnl
-@@ -98,6 +104,8 @@
- dnl preload section from invoking the macro to get compiler info.
- dnl Preload
-@@ -141,6 +149,11 @@
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(experimental-libtool,[  --experimental-libtool Use experimental custom libtool (not included in source distribution)],
-   [experimental_libtool=$enableval],[experimental_libtool=no])
-+dnl Workarounds for busted Libtool 2.x when we don't call AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
-+if test "x$Xsed" = "x"; then
-+  Xsed="$SED -e 1s/^X//"
- case $host in
- *os2*)
-     # Use a custom-made libtool replacement
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__threadproc__unix__procsup.c devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__threadproc__unix__procsup.c
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__threadproc__unix__procsup.c	2010-10-21 06:16:45.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.19__threadproc__unix__procsup.c	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---- ./apr-0.9.19/threadproc/unix/procsup.c.orig	2006-09-20 16:04:09.000000000 +0000
-+++ ./apr-0.9.19/threadproc/unix/procsup.c	2010-10-20 21:08:11.859622744 +0000
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
-     int x;
-     chdir("/");
- #if !defined(MPE) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(TPF) && !defined(BEOS)
-     /* Don't detach for MPE because child processes can't survive the death of
-      * the parent. */
-@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
-         return errno;
-     }
- #endif
-     /* close out the standard file descriptors */
-     if (freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin) == NULL) {
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/ devel/apr0/files/
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/	2011-11-02 17:32:34.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./apr-0.9.20/build/	2004-11-24 23:10:04.000000000 +0000
++++ ./apr-0.9.20/build/	2010-10-20 21:08:11.853623919 +0000
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ # output is multiline from 1.5 onwards
+ # Require libtool 1.3.3 or newer
+-libtool=`build/PrintPath glibtool libtool`
+ lt_pversion=`$libtool --version 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's/([^)]*)//g;s/^[^0-9]*//;s/[- ].*//g;q'`
+ if test -z "$lt_pversion"; then
+ echo "buildconf: libtool not found."
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__buildconf devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__buildconf
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__buildconf	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__buildconf	2011-11-02 17:32:56.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+--- ./apr-0.9.20/buildconf.orig	2006-09-20 16:04:09.000000000 +0000
++++ ./apr-0.9.20/buildconf	2010-10-20 21:08:11.863623823 +0000
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ #
+ build/ || exit 1
+-libtoolize=`build/PrintPath glibtoolize libtoolize`
+ if [ "x$libtoolize" = "x" ]; then
+     echo "libtoolize not found in path"
+     exit 1
+@@ -35,29 +35,48 @@
+ # Note: APR supplies its own config.guess and config.sub -- we do not
+ #       rely on libtool's versions
+ #
+-echo "Copying libtool helper files ..."
++echo "buildconf: copying libtool helper files using $libtoolize"
+ # Remove any libtool files so one can switch between libtool 1.3
+ # and libtool 1.4 by simply rerunning the buildconf script.
+-(cd build ; rm -f ltconfig libtool.m4)
+-$libtoolize --copy --automake
+-ltpath=`dirname $libtoolize`
+-ltfile=${LIBTOOL_M4-`cd $ltpath/../share/aclocal ; pwd`/libtool.m4}
++(cd build ; rm -f ltconfig libtool.m4 ltoptions.m4 ltsugar.m4 ltversion.m4 lt~obsolete.m4)
+-if [ ! -f $ltfile ]; then
++lt_pversion=`$libtoolize --version 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's/([^)]*)//g;s/^[^0-9]*//;s/[- ].*//g;q'`
++lt_version=`echo $lt_pversion|sed -e 's/\([a-z]*\)$/.\1/'`
++IFS=.; set $lt_version; IFS=' '
++if test "$1" = "1"; then
++  $libtoolize --copy --automake
++  if [ -f libtool.m4 ]; then
++    ltfile=`pwd`/libtool.m4
++  else
++   ltfindcmd="`sed -n \"/=[^\\\`]/p;/libtool_m4=/{s/.*=/echo /p;q;}\" \
++                   < $libtoolize`"
++   ltfile=${LIBTOOL_M4-`eval "$ltfindcmd"`}
++   # Expecting the code above to be very portable, but just in case...
++   if [ -z "$ltfile" -o ! -f "$ltfile" ]; then
++     ltpath=`dirname $libtoolize`
++     ltfile=${LIBTOOL_M4}
++   fi
++  fi
++  if [ ! -f $ltfile ]; then
+     echo "$ltfile not found"
+     exit 1
++  fi
++  # Do we need this anymore?
++  echo "buildconf: Using libtool.m4 at ${ltfile}."
++  cat $ltfile | sed -e 's/LIBTOOL=\(.*\)top_build/LIBTOOL=\1apr_build/' > build/libtool.m4
++if test "$1" = "2"; then
++  $libtoolize --copy
++  # Wouldn't it just be better to define top_builddir??
++  mv build/libtool.m4 build/libtool.m4.$$
++  cat build/libtool.m4.$$ | sed -e 's/LIBTOOL=\(.*\)top_build/LIBTOOL=\1apr_build/' > build/libtool.m4
++  chmod 664 build/libtool.m4.$$
++  rm build/libtool.m4.$$
+ fi
+-echo "buildconf: Using libtool.m4 at ${ltfile}."
+-cat $ltfile | sed -e 's/LIBTOOL=\(.*\)top_build/LIBTOOL=\1apr_build/' > build/libtool.m4
+-# This is just temporary until people's workspaces are cleared -- remove
+-# any old aclocal.m4 left over from prior build so it doesn't cause errors.
+-rm -f aclocal.m4
++# Clean up any leftovers
++rm -f aclocal.m4 libtool.m4
+ #
+ # Generate the autoconf header and ./configure
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__config.layout devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__config.layout
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__config.layout	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__config.layout	2011-11-02 17:32:56.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- ./apr-0.9.20/config.layout.orig	2004-11-24 23:02:04.000000000 +0000
++++ ./apr-0.9.20/config.layout	2010-10-20 21:08:11.854622653 +0000
+@@ -229,3 +229,7 @@
+     infodir:       ${exec_prefix}/share/info
+     libsuffix:    -${APR_MAJOR_VERSION}
+ </Layout>
++<Layout FreeBSD>
++    libsuffix:
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/ devel/apr0/files/
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/	2011-11-02 17:28:02.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+--- ./apr-0.9.20/	2008-06-20 17:32:47.000000000 +0000
++++ ./apr-0.9.20/	2010-10-20 21:08:11.857624440 +0000
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ AC_INIT(build/apr_common.m4)
+ AC_CONFIG_HEADER(include/arch/unix/apr_private.h)
+ dnl
+ dnl Include our own M4 macros along with those for libtool
+@@ -16,6 +17,11 @@
+ sinclude(build/apr_threads.m4)
+ sinclude(build/apr_hints.m4)
+ sinclude(build/libtool.m4)
+ dnl Save user-defined environment settings for later restoration
+ dnl
+@@ -98,6 +104,8 @@
+ dnl preload section from invoking the macro to get compiler info.
+ dnl Preload
+@@ -141,6 +149,11 @@
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(experimental-libtool,[  --experimental-libtool Use experimental custom libtool (not included in source distribution)],
+   [experimental_libtool=$enableval],[experimental_libtool=no])
++dnl Workarounds for busted Libtool 2.x when we don't call AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
++if test "x$Xsed" = "x"; then
++  Xsed="$SED -e 1s/^X//"
+ case $host in
+ *os2*)
+     # Use a custom-made libtool replacement
diff -ruN /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__threadproc__unix__procsup.c devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__threadproc__unix__procsup.c
--- /usr/ports/devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__threadproc__unix__procsup.c	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ devel/apr0/files/patch-apr-0.9.20__threadproc__unix__procsup.c	2011-11-02 17:32:56.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- ./apr-0.9.20/threadproc/unix/procsup.c.orig	2006-09-20 16:04:09.000000000 +0000
++++ ./apr-0.9.20/threadproc/unix/procsup.c	2010-10-20 21:08:11.859622744 +0000
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+     int x;
+     chdir("/");
+ #if !defined(MPE) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(TPF) && !defined(BEOS)
+     /* Don't detach for MPE because child processes can't survive the death of
+      * the parent. */
+@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
+         return errno;
+     }
+ #endif
+     /* close out the standard file descriptors */
+     if (freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin) == NULL) {
--- apr0.patch ends here ---

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