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Date:      Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:04:13 -0600 (MDT)
From:      Brandon Gillespie <>
Subject:   Re: splash-page on bootup..
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>

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On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Jim Durham wrote:
> Amen... can you imagine what would happen if the system didn't
> boot? No reading var/log/messages to see what happened..

Uhrm, it was nestled at the end of a paragraph, but I figured it would 
work like 95 where a simply hitting 'tab' or something similar would
toggle the two windows.

> IMHO setting up the root window in X to some neat FreeBSD graphic
> would be just fine to impress the masses.
> Is it really a viable objection that probe messages are construed as
> flakey operation? I always thought the probe messages were the sign
> of "gee..this is a real operating system".

As is my opinion, unfortunately many of the people who may agree are not
in a position to decide which OS goes on a server. 

Joe Greco <>:

> A system that looks and feels professional to me is a system that does
> not hide every aspect of what the hell it is doing from me. 

*nod* and I agree; but often those making decisions have no idea about 
the true nature of the OS, just how many warm fuzzies it gives them.

> Microsoft Windows 95 is unprofessional.  It is slick in many ways... but
> just try to get it to do what you want, when you really know you want to
> do what it doesn't want to let you do. 

Its rather irrelevant, if the owner feels better about 95 (or more
appropriately NT) because it feels safer--he will use NT and thats the end
of discussion.  My point is to try and make it easier for non-FreeBSD 
(read: Microsoft Junkies) to accept it as an alternative, great!

What I think would work best for this is a simple kernel option:

options             SPLASH_PAGE   ## make the microsoft junkies feel good

Which would be in kernel.GENERIC but which is easilly removed by anybody 
who cares with a simple recompile.

*shrug*  Its just a thought afterall ;)

Paul DuBois <>:
> Uh, what?  I'm not MS fan, but the majority of free software for the
> platform is virus-infected?

No, that is simply a common opinion in that crowd--I work with people who
use NT and 95 daily (and whos primary involvement with 'unix' is through
some aromatic SCO product), its a nightmare trying to convince them that
Free does not mean 'virus-infected and shitty'. 


-Brandon Gillespie

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