Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 12:50:23 -0500 (EST) From: Alfred Perlstein <> To: Subject: Exploring Windows - November 10, 1997 (fwd) Message-ID: <>
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hahahahahah... suffer you fools :) (how did i get on thier mailing list?) if you're interested read all the K-rad things you can do with your mouse in windows... to bad you can't rebind like in X huh? :) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 07:18:15 -0800 From: Exploring Windows Editor <> To: "''" <> Subject: Exploring Windows - November 10, 1997 Exploring Windows(R) News - November 10, 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For additional information, visit: Windows Home Page Microsoft Daily News!/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROSOFT ANNOUNCES WINDOWS CE 2.0 FOR THE HANDHELD PC Microsoft has introduced Windows CE 2.0 for the Handheld PC. The latest version of the Windows CE operating system for the H/PC contains new and improved versions of pocket applications such as Pocket PowerPoint, Pocket Outlook and frames-capable Pocket Internet Explorer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BILL GATES AT COMDEX FALL 97 Kick off your visit to Comdex Fall 97 with Bill Gates' keynote address: 7pm, November 16th, at the Aladdin Hotel. Microsoft's Web site features information about the Microsoft booth, partners, conference sessions and event registration. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TIPWORLD'S TIP OF THE DAY This tip originally appeared on the TipWorld web site. KEYBOARD JAMMIN' Here are three keyboard shortcuts you shouldn't be without: Alt-Shift-Tab While Alt-Tab cycles you through open programs and windows, Alt-Shift-Tab cycles you backward through the same list. It's useful when lots of applications are open. Shift-Right-click If you'd like to open a file in a particular application other than the one it's associated with, hold down Shift as you right-mouse-click on the already selected file icon. Select Open With, choose the application in which you'd like to open the files, and click on OK. Shift-Delete Typically, selecting an item and pressing the Delete key sends it to the Recycle Bin (after you click on Yes to confirm that you actually want to send the item there). To bypass the Recycle Bin altogether, hold down Shift as you press Delete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INSIDE MICROSOFT WINDOWS 95 TIP OF THE WEEK The following tip is presented by INSIDE MICROSOFT WINDOWS 95, a monthly publication of The Cobb Group. For a FREE issue, go to CHECKING THE STATUS OF YOUR WINDOWS 95 OPERATIONS Status bars, which you'll find at the bottom of many Windows 95 applications' windows, are useful tools for providing information about the command or operation you're currently performing. For example, if you open a folder in My Computer and select several files, the status bar will tell you how many files you've selected and the combined size of the selected files. When you pull down a menu in a Windows 95 application and position the pointer over a command, the status bar describes the purpose of the command. For example, if you pull down the Insert menu in WordPad and hold the pointer over the Object... command, a description of that command appears in the status bar. In applications that have toolbars, the status bar works with tool tips that display the command name associated with the button in question. For example, if you position your cursor over the undo button on WordPad's toolbar, a tool tip will tell you the button performs an Undo operation. When Windows 95 displays the tool tip, more detailed information about the Undo command appears in the status bar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WUGNET SHAREWARE OF THE WEEK Each week WUGNET and Microsoft feature a shareware pick demonstrating the highest standards available today in shareware for Windows 95. Try one, try them all! BLACKWIDOW BY SOFTBYTE LABS This week's pick is BlackWidow by SoftByte Labs. This Internet application will scan Web sites and get an Internet Explorer-like view of the site's directory structure and all files within the site. You can then choose which files to download or download the entire site for offline viewing. You can run multiple instances of BlackWidow to work with different Web sites at the same time, as well as perform downloads from one site while profiling another. Black Widow allows you to suspend an operation and resume it at a later time and assign logins and passwords for secure sites. The application also includes functions that enable you to provide proxies and ports, select/deselect files and select any extensions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For information on local events and promotions in your area ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO JOIN THE MAILING LIST: You received this e-mail newsletter as a result of your registration on the Microsoft Personal Information Center. You may unsubscribe from this newsletter, or subscribe to a variety of other informative newsletters, by returning to the Personal Information Center, and changing your subscription preferences. 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This document may be copied and distributed subject to the following conditions: 1. All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included 2. All copies must contain Microsoft's copyright notice and any other notices provided therein 3. This document may not be distributed for profit.
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