From owner-freebsd-stable  Fri Oct 27 10:35:25 2000
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Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 12:35:14 -0500
From: Drew Sanford <>
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To: Bill Moran <>
Cc: stable@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: HEADS UP!  MFC's
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Bill Moran wrote:
> Come on here. This is the kind of talk I don't want to hear.
> There is no "panic" here. Anyone who knows anything about this system
> already knows that -STABLE is never a guarantee of stability. It's a
> best attempt at it. (and a damn good one, I might add!)
> Personally, I have a test system that I cvsup and test before doing a
> cvsup on a mission-critical production system. (I then use the date
> tag in cvsup to get the exact version tested onto the production
> machine) Anyone who is not doing something similar is begging for
> trouble. Occasionally the -STABLE tree breaks.
> And as far as not communicating anything for fear of "potentially"
> doing anything. Ignore him, Jeroen! If I want communications smoothed
> over for marketing purposes, I'll go back to commercial software. I
> want honest information on what's going on in the tree, and that's
> what Jeroen is giving us.
> One of the great things I like about Open Source is the candidness.
> Bugs are freely communicated so I don't have to spend hours on the
> phone with a tech support person who has been told not to admit that
> there could be bugs that aren't officially published by big brother.
> I thought Jeroen's message was a well-worded reminder to be careful
> with cvsupping -STABLE on production machines. Anyone who is concerned
> by this message needs to reconsider their upgrading practices.
> -Bill
> (I'm not mad, I'm just loud - hope this doesn't sound like a rant)


Drew Sanford
Systems Administrator

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