From owner-cvs-all  Wed Feb  7 15:10:42 2001
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Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 10:10:40 +1100
From: Greg Lehey <>
To: Darren Reed <>
Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/sys/netinet fil.c ip_auth.c ip_compat.h ip_fil.h ip_frag.c ip_frag.h ip_ftp_pxy.c ip_nat.c ip_nat.h ip_proxy
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On Wednesday,  7 February 2001 at 11:38:51 +1100, Darren Reed wrote:
> In some email I received from Greg Lehey, sie wrote:
>> On Wednesday,  7 February 2001 at  2:53:13 +1100, Darren Reed wrote:
>>> Hmmm, I think I know what your problem is Greg.
>>> The larger version jump changes are being committed with "commit"
>>> rather than "import" due to conflicts from the import and file
>>> changes being logged with the "fix conflicts" message rather than
>>> for "import version x.y.x".
>> I wish you'd maintain context.  I suppose you're talking about the
>> MFCs.
>> My specific problem was that I had repeated crashes of a -STABLE
>> server because a bug fix committed to -CURRENT in August last year
>> still hadn't been committed to -STABLE by late January.  See my diary
>> entry for 23 January at
>> for more details.
>> My general problem is that you appear to have committed large numbers
>> of fixes without details of what they were.
> Are you saying you'd like to see bug fixes/changes that get enumerated
> inside of ipfilter also in the import message ?

Yes, that's part of it.  In general our commit messages are much more
verbose and detail the bugs fixed.  The other part of what I was
saying is that I'd like to see the bug fixes MFC'd to -STABLE.

Nobody's demanding that you do the MFCs.  As I said before, I think
it's better if you do it, but if you don't have time, there are others
who are prepared to do the job.

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