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Date:      Fri, 19 Oct 2001 20:39:38 -0400
From:      Rod Person <>
Subject:   SCSI and USB
Message-ID:  <>

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I sent this yesterday, but it did not seem to make it to the list, if it did and I missed it sorry...

For some month now I have been trying to get my hp 8200 usb cd writer to work. I have been to various web page, man page etc, but nothing seems to do anything. Although I have got answers such as my usb cdrw works fine, I can't get any pointers. My question is this. From everything i've read it seems that usb uses the scsi bus to communicate with umass devices. I say this since on the openbsd web programmer reference pages I found this reference:

	umass at uhub?
	scsibus at umass?

Also in some references it seems that certain usb cd are internally scsi or ide. I was unable to find any documentation as to what mine maybe. Anyone know of a way to do so? So in short, if my cd isn't internally a scsi drive is it safe to say that it will not work with FreeBSD now.

'....musical rhthyms can mess with your head...'
 - T La Rock
     "It's your's"


'....musical rhthyms can mess with your head...'
 - T La Rock
     "It's your's"


'....musical rhthyms can mess with your head...'
 - T La Rock
     "It's your's"


'....musical rhthyms can mess with your head...'
 - T La Rock
     "It's your's"

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