From owner-freebsd-current  Wed Jan 19 16:13:24 2000
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Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 01:13:36 +0100
From: Andreas Braukmann <>
Subject: Filesystem crash / no softupdates / jail running ...
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Hi there,

 ... I had a major filesystem crash just a few minutes ago.
 The crash was so heavy, that I first had to think about a
 hardware-failure. But I didn't found anything in the logfiles.

 The story:
    Yesterday I began to play around with an experimentail jail-based
    virtual server setup.
    The 'jail world' was located under /scratch/jails/zappa/.
    'inetd', 'telnetd', a 'sh' were running jailed.
    It sees to run rather well.

    Today I changed my working directory (running a regular, non-jailed
    shell) to /scratch and found the directory empty.
    'What the hell is going on here?' I thought ran a 'ps' just to 
    find the jailed processes running happily.
    I did a telnet to the virtual server, was able to login successfully
    and found a apparently intact filesystem.
    ... and then.. ... and then ... the screen froze and a few seconds
    later the machines rebooted silently.
    No tracks in the logs.

 Sorry, I was running X and currently have no serial console available.
 Therefor I just can't tell, if it was really a silent reboot or 
 a 'not-seen' panic.

 The filesystem was totally hosed. 
 'fsck' spat out masses of 'unknown file type', 'partially allocated
 inode', 'incorrect block count' (with rather large discrepancies) 
 and 'excessive bad blks' messages.
 Partially transcripts of 'fsck -y '-logs are available on request.


 System:    K7/700, 256MB, sym0, fxp0
 Disk:      <IBM DNES-309170W SA30>>

 The disk contained a ca. 9GB filesystem (default newfs) mounted
 without any special options (on /scratch).

 FreeBSD  4.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #0: Wed Jan
 5 14:30:28 CET 2000

 I have soft-updates compiled in but deactivated on all filesystems.


... sorry, ... my written English is rather ugly ...

Andreas Braukmann - - 

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