From owner-freebsd-current  Tue Nov  4 19:00:20 1997
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Subject: Re: memory out of range??? 
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Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 13:26:07 +1030
From: Mike Smith <>
Sender: owner-freebsd-current@FreeBSD.ORG
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> I have the following setup/config:
> Tyan m/b Tahoe series Dual P-II/266 with 1GB memory (yes, 1024MB of
> RAM).
> DPT smartraid-4 (UW), Adaptec 2940UW
> Matshita CD-ROM (SCSI)
> 8 IBM UW SCSI 4.1GB drives (7 configured as raid attached to DPT, the
> rest attached to the Adaptec).

Hmm, nice configuration.  I am presuming you'll be looking at the DPT 
driver soon?

> I made the boot floppy from the image in the
> I know this boot floppy will not recognize the DPT controller.  However,
> the boot floppy crashed with:
> 	"bounced memory: out of range" (or something like that)
> right after the install config screen.
> Any idea?

Yup.  You have too much memory for the "BOUNCE_BUFFERS" option, which 
is part of the boot floppy's configuration (in order to support 
slightly lower-end systems 8).  If you can temporarily remove most of 
your memory until after you've installed and built a new kernel, 
you'll be fine.
