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Date:      Tue, 17 Jul 2001 02:14:28 -0400
From:      "A. G. Nair" <>
To:        <>, <>
Subject:   Fw: FreeBSD and OnTrack DDO (re-sending earlier message in plain-text format)
Message-ID:  <025801c10e87$d3c40fa0$>

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Sorry for re-sending this mail. I was not aware that the earlier mail I sent
was in HTML format. Probably that's why nobody saw it. Hope this works.

----- Original Message -----
From: A. G. Nair
To: ;
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 1:03 AM
Subject: FreeBSD and OnTrack DDO


I've sent a mail earlier with the same problem but didn't get any reply...
So trying again with a more specific version of the problem. I'm trying to
install FreeBSD 4.3 on my machine (laptop) which has OnTrack DDO(Dynamic
Drive Overlay) installed on the hard drive. I tried all kinds of
combinations at the boot prompt but it always says --
Not ufs
Not ufs
No /boot/loader

The documentation says FreeBSD is compatible with DDO, but I'm unable to
make it work. Also in the archives I've found 2 or 3 questions  regarding
this but no answers. So I think, this has to be a bug unless someone can
tell me otherwise.

My situation is as described below--

I've a new blank 20GB hard drive installed on my laptop. Since it's blank
and there is no data, I get to re-partition, re-format and play around with
all combinations. I'm trying to get just FreeBSD(nothing else is in the hard
drive except DOS) work with DDO. I need DDO because my BIOS won't recognize
beyond 8.4GB of the hard-drive (I've the latest version of BIOS installed).
I am not going beyond the 1024th cylinder. The whole FreeBSD partition is
well below the 1024 cylinder limit. The disk geometry reported by FreeBSD
fdisk is same as the one reported by Partition Manager. So no problem there
also. Or is there something else? I also tried Boot-Easy, OS-BS and XOSL as
boot manager. No luck.

If I remove DDO and boot, FreeBSD sees the full 20GB. So ideally, I don't
need to use DDO if I am using just FreeBSD. But unfortunately I also need to
install Windows on the machine. So I've to find a way to get FreeBSD to
exist with DDO and the documentation says it is compatible.

I've almost given up all hope on making this work. (I tried Red Hat Linux
and I've to tell you, it's much worse than this. It doesn't even install.)
Does anyone have any experience in getting FreeBSD installed and working on
a hard drive with DDO?? There must be someone out there, who has worked on
this part of the installer.... Maybe He/She can tell why this is not a bug.
Am I missing something??? Please please reply and let me know. Any
suggestions will be a great help......

Thanks in advance,

This is how FreeBSD fdisk looks

Disk name: ad0
Disk Geometry: 2584 cyls/240 Heads/63 Heads = 39070080 Sectors(19077MB)

Offset         Size(KB)         End               Name       PType     Desc
Subtype        Flags
-63              63                     62                   -
6              unused          0
63               7528                15119            ad0s1       2
fat                   6
15120         3084480         6184079       ad0s2       3
freebsd         165  C
6184080    16442968       39070016     -                 6
unused           0

View of Ranish Partition Manager on the disk is as below:

Hard Disk 1 19077 Mbytes[2583 cylinders x 240 heads x 63 sectors ]
Using LBA

#   Type  Row    File System Type        Starting[CHS]   Ending[CHS]
Partition Size[KB]
0   MBR              Master Boot Record    0x0x1                0x0x1
1   Pri                  Unused                          0x0x2
0x0x63                31
2   Pri       1         DOS FAT-16                0x1x1
0x239x63           7,528
3  >Pri      2         FreeBSD, BSD/386    1x0x1                408x239x63
4   Pri                   Unused                         409x0x1
2583x238x63     16,442,968

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