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January-March 2006 Status Report


   The highlights of this quarters report certainly include the
   availability of native Java binaries thanks to the FreeBSD Foundation,=20
   as well as progress has been made with Xen support and Sun's
   Ultrasparc T1. Futhermore we are looking forward to FreeBSD 6.1 and
   TrustedBSD audit support has been imported into FreeBSD 7-CURRENT. All
   in all, a very exiting start to 2006.

   In just under a month the developers will be gathering at BSDCan 2006
   for, FreeBSD Dev Summit, a two day meeting of FreeBSD developers. Once
   again the BSDCan schedule is filled with many interesting talks.

   We hope you enjoy reading and look forward to hear from you for the
   next round. Consult the list of projects and ideas for ways to get
   involved. The submission date for the second quarter reports will be
   July, 7th 2006.

   Thanks to everybody who submitted a report and to Brad Davis, who
   joined the Status Report team, for proof reading.


     * BSDInstaller
     * FreeSBIE
     * pfSense
     * Symbol Versioning
     * TrustedBSD Audit
     * TrustedBSD OpenBSM

Network infrastructure

     * Bridge STP Improvements
     * FAST_IPSEC Upgrade
     * FreeBSD NFS Status Report
     * SMPng Network Stack


     * Low-overhead performance monitoring for FreeBSD
     * Sound subsystem improvements
     * Status Report ATA project
     * TMPFS (Filesystem) for FreeBSD


     * FreeBSD list of projects and ideas for volunteers

Userland programs

     * Mouse Driver Framework
     * OpenBSD dhclient


     * ARM Support for TS-7200
     * FreeBSD on Xen 3.0
     * Ultrasparc T1 support


     * libpkg - Package management library
     * Ports Collection
     * Update of the linux infrastructure in the Ports Collection

Vendor / 3rd Party Software

     * HPLIP (Full HP Printer and MFD support)
     * Java Binaries
     * OpenBSD packet filter - pf


     * BSDCan
     * FreeBSD Security Officer and Security Team
     * Fundraising for FreeBSD security development

ARM Support for TS-7200


   Contact: John-Mark Gurney <>

   This is just an update to note that TS-7200 is building and running
   with a recent -current.

   I have been working on getting FreeBSD/arm running on the TS-7200. So
   far the board boots, and has somewhat working ethernet (some
   unexplained packet loss). I can netboot from a FreeBSD/i386 machine,
   and I can also mount msdosfs's on CF.

Open tasks:

    1. Figuring out why some small packets transmit with error (if
       someone can get Technologic Systems to pay attention to me and
       this issue, that'd be great!)
    2. EP93xx identification information to properly attach various
       onboard devices

Bridge STP Improvements

   Contact: Andrew Thompson <>

   Work has been started to implement the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
   which supersedes STP. RSTP has a much faster link failover time of
   around one second compared to 30-60 seconds for STP, this is very
   important on modern networks. Some progress has been made but a RSTP
   capable switch will be needed soon to proceed, see .

Open tasks:

    1. Donation of a RSTP switch



   Contact: Dan Langille <>

   The schedule for BSDCan 2006 demonstrates just how strong and popular
   BSDCan has become in a very short time. Three concurrent streams of
   talks make sure that there is something for everyone. We provide high
   quality talks at very affordable prices .

   BSDCan is the biggest BSD event of 2006. Ask others who attended in
   past years how much they enjoyed their time in Ottawa. Ask them who
   they met, who they talked to, the contacts they made, the information
   they learned.

   Remember to bring your wife/husband/spouse/etc because we will have
   things for them to do while you are attending the conference. Ottawa
   is a fantastic tourist destination.

   See you at BSDCan 2006!

Open tasks:

    1. Works in Progress - if you want to talk about your project for 5
       minutes, this is your chance. Get in touch with us ASAP to reserve
       your spot.
    2. We're looking for volunteers to help out just before and during
       the conference. Contact Dan at the above address.



   Contact: Andrew Turner <>

   The BSDInstaller integration work has progressed since the previous
   report. The backend has been changed to the new Lua version. This is
   to ensure the version we use will be maintained. The release Makefile
   now uses the Lua package rather the local copy in Perforce. Ports are
   also being created for the required modules to remove the need to
   bring Lua into the base.

Open tasks:

    1. Create a port for all the Lua modules required

=46AST_IPSEC Upgrade


   Contact: George Neville-Neil <>
   Contact: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>

   Split out of PF_KEY code between the kernel and user space has been
   completed and committed to CVS.

   The diff between Kame IPv4 based IPSec and FAST_IPSEC IPv4 did not
   show any glaring issues.

   Moving on to making IPv6 work in FAST_IPSEC including being able to
   run the kernel with the following variations:
     * FAST_IPSEC in v4 only
     * KAME IPv6 and IPSec
     * KAME IPv6 and FAST_IPSEC

Open tasks:

    1. Any patches for FAST_IPSEC, KAME IPsec of either variant (v4 or
       v6) should be forwarded to bz@ and gnn@.
    2. Build a better TAHI. TAHI, the test framework, will not be
       maintained and is not the easiest system to use and understand. A
       better test harness is possible and is necessary for other
       networking projects as well. Contact gnn@ if you have time to work
       on this as he has some code and ideas to start from.

=46reeBSD list of projects and ideas for volunteers


   Contact: Joel Dahl <>
   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <>

   The FreeBSD list of projects and ideas for volunteers is doing well.
   Several items were picked up by volunteers and have found their way
   into the tree. Others are under review or in progress.

   We are looking forward to hear about new ideas, people willing to be
   technical contacts for generic topics (e.g. USB) or specific entries
   (already existing or newly created), suggestions for existing entries
   or completion reports for (parts of) an entry.

Open tasks:

    1. Add more ideas.
    2. Find more technical contacts.
    3. Find people willing to review/test implementations of (somewhat)
       finished items.

=46reeBSD NFS Status Report

   Contact: Chuck Lever <>

   Support for NFS in FreeBSD received a boost this quarter as a kernel
   developer from Network Appliance has volunteered to help with the
   clients. Chuck Lever is now a src committer, mentored by Mike
   Silbersack. Mohan Srinivasan and Jim Rees have ended their
   apprenticeships and are now full committers. Mohan continues his
   effort to make the NFSv2/3 client SMP safe. He expects to make the
   changes available for review soon.

   FreeBSD gained presence at the annual NFS interoperability event known
   as Connectathon. Rick Macklem's FreeBSD NFSv4 server is pretty stable
   now and available via anonymous ftp. NFSv4.1 features are not a part
   of it yet and are not likely to happen until at least the end of 2006.
   Contact for details.

=46reeBSD on Xen 3.0

   Contact: Scott Long <>
   Contact: Kip Macy <>

   We had hoped to finish a prototype of Xen DomU and possible Dom0 in
   time for FreeBSD 6.1. The primary work was focused on bringing Xen
   into the FreeBSD 'newbus' framework. Unfortunately, an architectural
   problem in FreeBSD has stopped us. Xen relies on message passing
   between to child and parent domains to communicate device
   configuration, and this message passing requires that tsleep and
   wakeup work early in boot. That doesn't seem to be the case, and it's
   unclear what it would take to make it work. Without the newbus work,
   it's hard to complete the Dom0 code, and impossible to support Xen 3.0
   features like domain suspension.

Open tasks:

    1. Make tsleep and wakeup work during early boot
    2. Continue DomU newbus work
    3. Continue Dom0 work

=46reeBSD Security Officer and Security Team


   Contact: Security Officer <>
   Contact: Security Team <>

   In March 2006, Marcus Alves Grando, George Neville-Neil, and Philip
   Paeps joined the FreeBSD Security Team. The current Security Team
   membership is published on the web site.

   In the time since the last status report, eight security advisories
   have been issued concerning problems in the base system of FreeBSD; of
   these, three problems were in "contributed" code, while five were in
   code maintained within FreeBSD. The Vulnerabilities and Exposures
   Markup Language (VuXML) document has continued to be updated by the
   Security Team and the Ports Committers documenting new vulnerabilities
   in the FreeBSD Ports Collection; since the last status report, 50 new
   entries have been added, bringing the total up to 686.

   The following FreeBSD releases are supported by the FreeBSD Security
   Team: FreeBSD 4.10, FreeBSD 4.11, FreeBSD 5.3, FreeBSD 5.4, and
   FreeBSD 6.0. Upon their release, FreeBSD 5.5 and FreeBSD 6.1 will also
   be supported. The respective End of Life dates of supported releases
   are listed on the web site; of particular note, FreeBSD 4.10 and
   FreeBSD 5.4 will cease to be supported at the end of May 2006.



   Contact: FreeSBIE Staff <>
   Contact: FreeSBIE Mailing List <>

   The project is alive and plans to release an ISO image of FreeSBIE 2.0
   based on FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE few day after the same has been release.
   FreeSBIE 2.0 will be available for i386 and amd64 archs. Tests images
   can be download via BitTorrent from .

Open tasks:

    1. Test "test ISO images" for both amd64 and i386
    2. Suggest packages to be added to the ISO image.
    3. Suggestions needed for Xfce and fluxbox look.
    4. Suggestions needed for applications' configuration files.

=46undraising for FreeBSD security development


   Contact: Colin Percival <>

   Since 2003, I have introduced the (now quite widely used) FreeBSD
   Update and Portsnap tools, but rarely had time to make improvements or
   add requested features. Consequently, on March 30th, I sent email to
   the the freebsd-hackers, freebsd-security, and freebsd-announce lists
   announcing that I was seeking funding to allow me to spend the summer
   working full-time on these and my role as FreeBSD Security Officer.
   Assuming that some cheques arrive as expected, I have reached my
   donation target and will start work at the beginning of May.

Open tasks:

    1. The work which I'm aiming to do is listed at the URL above.

HPLIP (Full HP Printer and MFD support)


   Contact: Anish Mistry <>

   A preliminary version of HP's hplip software for their printers and
   multi-function devices has been ported. This allows viewing of the
   status informantion from the printer. Such as ink levels, error
   messages, and queue information. If you have an Officejet you can also
   fax and scan. Photocard and Copies functionality is untested.

Open tasks:

    1. General Testing
    2. Photocard Testing
    3. Various ugen fixes
    4. Fix Officejet Panel Display
    5. Run hpiod and hpssd as unprivileged users
    6. Banish the Linuxisms in the Makefile
    7. Fix "Make Copies"
    8. Automatically Setup Scanner

Java Binaries


   Contact: Deb Goodkin <>

   The FreeBSD Foundation released official certified JDK and JRE 1.5
   binaries for the official FreeBSD 5.4 and FreeBSD 6.0 releases on the
   i386 platform.
   We were able to accomplish this by hiring a contractor to run the Sun
   certification tests and fixing the problems found. This could not have
   been completed with out the support from the BSD Java Team.

   We provided financial support for Java development and funded the
   certification process. We spent a significant amount of time and money
   on legal issues from contract and NDA creation for our contractor to
   license agreements from Sun and creating our own for the binaries. We
   worked with OEMs who would like to use the binaries, but needed to
   understand what they need to do legally to be able to redistribute the
   binaries. This is an area we are still working on at our end. We are
   waiting for a letter from Sun to put on our website to OEMs. We are
   also in the process of updating our OEM license agreement. This should
   be available by mid-April.

   We have received a positive response from the FreeBSD community
   regarding the release of the binaries. We received a few requests to
   support the FreeBSD 6.1/amd64 platform. We have decided to move
   forward and support this too. We currently are working with a
   contractor to provide Java support on 5.5/i386, 6.1/i386, and
   6.1/amd64. Once 5.5 and 6.1 are released, we'll update the FreeBSD
   Foundation website with the Java status. Regular updates to the
   website will continue.

libpkg - Package management library


   Contact: Andrew Turner <>

   Libpkg is a package management library using libarchive to extract the
   package files. It is able to download, install and get a list of
   installed packages. Work has also been started on implementing the
   package tools from the base system. Most of pkg_info has been
   implemented and pkg_add has been started.

Open tasks:

    1. Support for more command line options in pkg_info and pkg_add
    2. Creating a package
    3. Test pkg_add works as expected for all implemented command line

Low-overhead performance monitoring for FreeBSD


   Contact: Joseph Koshy <>

   This projects implements a kernel module (hwpmc(4)), an application
   programming interface (pmc(3)) and a few simple applications
   (pmcstat(8) and pmccontrol(8)) for measuring system performance using
   event monitoring hardware in modern CPUs.

   New features since the last status report:
     * Support for profiling dynamically loaded kernel and user objects
       has been added.
     * pmcstat(8) now supports command-line syntax for logging to a
       network socket.

Mouse Driver Framework


   Contact: Jordan Sissel <>

   The current mouse system is a mess with moused, psm, ums, and mse
   supporting, individually, multiple kinds of mice. This project aims to
   move all driver support into moused modules in userland. In addition,
   many features lacking in the existing mouse infrastructure are being
   added. It is my hope that this new system will make both using mice
   and writing drivers easier down the road.

Open tasks:

    1. Testing. Contact if interested.

OpenBSD dhclient

   Contact: Brooks Davis <>
   Contact: Sam Leffler <>

   All dhclient changes in HEAD have been merged to 6-STABLE for
   6.1-RELEASE. New patches currently in testing include startup script
   support for fully asynchronous starting of dhclient which eliminates
   the wait for link during startup and support for sending the system
   hostname to the server when non is specified.

OpenBSD packet filter - pf

   Contact: Max Laier <>

   Work towards importing the upcoming OpenBSD 3.9 version of pf is
   starting slowly. There are a couple of infrastructural changes (e.g.
   interface groups) that need to be imported beforehand. This work is in
   the final stage of progress.

   A couple of bugfixes have happend since the last report and will be
   available in FreeBSD 6.1/5.5. pf users are strongly encouraged to
   upgrade to RELENG_6 as the version present in RELENG_5 is collecting



   Contact: Scott Ullrich <>

   pfSense continues to grow and fix bugs. Since the last report we have
   grown to 14 developers working part and full time on bringing pfSense
   to 1.0. Beta 3 is scheduled for release on 4/15/2006.

Open tasks:

    1. Fix remaining bugs listed in CVSTrac
    2. Fine tune existing code

Ports Collection


   Contact: Mark Linimon <>

   During this time, the number of ports PRs rose dramatically from its
   impressive low number seen late last quarter. This was due to the
   holidays, the freeze for the 5.5/6.1 release cycle, and the aggressive
   work several submitters have been doing to correct long-standing
   problems with stale distfiles, stale WWW sites, port that only work on
   i386, and so forth. Over 200 new ports have also been added. The
   statistics do not truly reflect the state of the Ports Collection,
   which continues to improve despite the increased number of ports.

   We now have 3 people who are qualified to run the 5-exp regression
   tests. Due to this, we were able to run several cycles, resulting in a
   series of commits that retired more than 3 dozen portmgr PRs. There
   were a few snags during one commit due to some unintended
   consequences, but the breakage was fixed in less than one day. Notable
   changes include the addition of physical category net-p2p and virtual
   categories hamradio and rubygems. Once 5.5 and 6.1 are released,
   portmgr hopes to be able to run regression tests more often.

   We have added 5 new committers since the last report.

Open tasks:

    1. We need help getting back to our modern low of 500 PRs.
    2. We have over 4,000 unmaintained ports (see, for instance, the list
       on portsmon ). We are always looking for dedicated volunteers to
       adopt at least a few ports.

SMPng Network Stack


   Contact: Robert Watson <>

   The FreeBSD netperf project has recently focused on revising the
   socket and protocol control block reference counts to define and
   enforce reference and memory management invariants, allowing the
   removal of unnecessary checks, error handling, and locking. Use of
   global pcbinfo locks has now been eliminated from the socket send and
   receive paths into all network protocols, including netipx, netnatm,
   netatalk, netinet, netinet6, netgraph, and others. Checks have
   generally been replaced with assertions; so_pcb is now guaranteed to
   be non-NULL. This should improve performance by reducing lock
   contention and unnecessary checks, as well as facilitate future work
   to eliminate long holding of pcbinfo locks in the TCP input path
   through proper reference counting for pcbs. These changes have been
   committed to FreeBSD 7-CURRENT, and will be merged in a few months
   once they have stabilized.

Sound subsystem improvements


   Contact: Multimedia Mailinglist <>
   Contact: Ariff Abdullah <>
   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <>

   A lot of fixes (bugs, LORs, panics) and improvements (performance,
   compatibility, a new driver, 24/32bit samples support, ...) have been
   merged to RELENG_6. FreeBSD 6.1 is the first release which ships with
   the much improved sound system. Additionally there's work underway:
     * To make the sound system API endianess clean. This should make it
       easier (for a developer) to make the sound drivers usable on all
     * To rework character device allocation. This way someone can choose
       a specific channel, e.g. /dev/dsp0.r0 or /dev/dsp0.p0 to access
       the first recording or play channel respectively). With the
       "current" sound system (as in FreeBSD 6.1) this is not possible
       (accessing /dev/dsp0.0 and /dev/dsp0.1 may give you the first or
       the second channel, the number is just an enumeration, not a
     * To add multi-channel support/processing.
     * To add Intel HDA support. There's already some code to look at
       (see URL referenced above), but is far from usable for an enduser
       (we need some programmers, but no testers ATM, since there are no
       user testable parts yet). Interested volunteers should contact the
       multimedia mailinglist.

   Parts of this work may be already in 6.1, but there's still a good
   portion which isn't even in -current as of this writting.

Open tasks:

    1. Style(9) cleanup, survive against WARNS=3D2 (at least).
    2. Have a look at the sound related entries on the ideas list.
    3. Rewrite some parts (e.g. a new mixer subsystem with OSS
    4. sndctl(1): tool to control non-mixer parts of the sound system
       (e.g. spdif switching, virtual-3D effects) by an user (instead of
       the sysctl approach in -current); pcmplay(1), pcmrec(1),
    5. Plugable FEEDER infrastructure. For ease of debugging various
       feeder stuff and/or as userland library and test suite.
    6. Closer compatibility with OSS, especially for the upcoming OSS v4.

Status Report ATA project

   Contact: S=F8ren Schmidt <>

   The last months has mostly been about stabilizing ATA for 6.1-RELEASE,
   and adding support for new chipsets. On that front JMicron has raised
   the bar for vendors as they have provided not only hardware but
   documentation on both their hardware and their software RAID
   implementation, making it a breeze to add support for their, by the
   way excellent, products. Other vendors can join in here. :) Otherwise
   I'm always in the need for any amount of time or means to get it if
   nothing else.

   ATA has grown a USB backend so that fx. flash keys and external
   HD/CD/DVD drives can be used directly without atapicam/CAM etc. This
   is very handy on small (embedded) systems where resources are limitted
   and kernel space at a premium. burncd(8) is in the process of being
   updated so it will support this along with SATA ATAPI devices, and if
   time permits adding DVD support.

   The next months will be used to (hopefully) work on getting ATA to
   work properly on systems with > 4G of memory and utilize the 64bit
   addressing of controllers that supports it. RAID5 support for ataraid
   is on the list as well together with hardening of the RAID subsystem
   to help keep data alive and well.

Symbol Versioning


   Contact: Daniel Eischen <>

   Symbol versioning libraries allows us to maintain binary compatibility
   without bumping library version numbers. Recently, symbol versioning
   for libc, libpthread, libthread_db, and libm was committed to
   -current. It is disabled by default, and can be enabled by adding
   "SYMVER_ENABLED=3Dtrue" to/etc/make.conf. A final version bump for libc
   and other affected libraries (perhaps all) should be done before
   enabling this by default.

Open tasks:

    1. Determining the impact on ports - portmgr (Kris) is running a
       portbuild to identify any problems. I am working to resolve the
       few problems that were found.
    2. Making our linker link to libc and libpthread (when using
       (-pthread) when building shared libraries. This is needed so that
       symbol version dependencies are recorded in the shared library. I
       think kan is working on this.???
    3. Identify and symbol version any other libraries that should be
       symbol versioned. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

TMPFS (Filesystem) for FreeBSD


   Contact: Rohit Jalan <>

   Three betas have been released so far. The code is operational and
   seems to be stable but it is not MPSAFE as yet.

   The second and third betas used different mechanisms for data I/O.
   (sfbuf vs. kernel_map+vacache) and at present I am in the process on
   selecting one mechanism over the other. Your opinion is solicited.

TrustedBSD Audit


   Contact: Robert Watson <>
   Contact: <>

   In the past three months, the TrustedBSD CAPP audit implementation has
   been merged to the FreeBSD 7-CURRENT development tree in CVS, and the
   groundwork has been laid for a merge to 6.X. OpenBSM, a BSD-licensed
   implementation of Sun's Basic Security Module (BSM) API and file
   format, as well as extensions to support intrusion detect
   applications. New features included support for audit pipes, a
   pseudo-device that provides a live audit record trail interface for
   intrusion detection applications, and an audit filter daemon that
   allows plug-in modules to monitor live events.

Open tasks:

    1. Complete audit coverage of non-native system call ABIs, some more
       recent base system calls.
    2. Integrate OpenBSM 1.0 alpha 6, which includes auditfilterd and the
       audit filter API.

TrustedBSD OpenBSM


   Contact: Robert Watson <>
   Contact: <>

   OpenBSM is a BSD-licensed implementation of Sun's Basic Security
   Module (BSM) API and file format, based on Apple's Darwin
   implementation. OpenBSM 1.0 alpha 5 is now available, and includes
   significant bugfixes, documentation, and feature enhancements over
   previous releases, including 64-bit token support, endian-independent
   operation, improved memory management, and bug fixes resulting from
   the static analysis tools provided by Coverity and FlexeLint. Recent
   versions are now built and configured using autoconf and automake, and
   have been built and tested with FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Open tasks:

    1. Complete OpenBSM file format validation test suite.
    2. Finalize audit filter API.
    3. Complete file format documentation; record documentation for new
       record types associated with Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and Linux specific
       events not present in documented Solaris record format.

Ultrasparc T1 support


   Contact: Kip Macy <>
   Contact: John Gurney <>

   FreeBSD has been ported the T1, Sun's newest processor. FreeBSD
   currently runs multi-user SMP. JMG is actively working on improving
   device support.

   The port has taken several weeks longer than initially anticipated as
   the majority of the current sparc64 port could not be re-used.

Update of the linux infrastructure in the Ports Collection

   Contact: Emulation Mailinglist <>
   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <>
   Contact: Boris Samorodov <>

   Work is underway to use the new linux_base-fc3 as the new default
   linux base. Since there's some infrastructure work to do before it can
   be made the new default, this will not happen before the release of
   FreeBSD 5.5 and 6.1. At the same time a new based linux port
   will replace the outdated XFree86 based linux X11 port.

   The use of fc3 instead of fc4 or fc5 is to make sure we have a smooth
   transition with as less as possible breakage. We already use several
   fc3 RPM's with the current default of linux_base-8, so there should be
   not much problems to solve.

Open tasks:

    1. Mark all old linux_base ports as DEPRECATED (after making fc3 the
       default linux_base port).
    2. Have a look at a linux-dri version which works with the update to
    3. When everything is switched to fc3 and everything works at least
       as good as before, have a look at porting fc4 or fc5.

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