From owner-freebsd-multimedia  Fri Feb  4 12:31: 4 2000
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From: Paulo Fragoso <>
Subject: FXTV or 3.4?
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After I've changed from FBSD 3.3 to FBSD 3.4 (RELEASE), I don't obtain
sound from TV-CARD. I'm trying Aver Media and VideoXtrem cards, both
aren't whith sound when <input> menu is <tuner>.

Using VideoXtrem its sound is working when I've change from <tuner> to
<video> in <input> menu, that sound is from tuner and the images are from
video input!

I've already tried fxtv ver 0.48 and 1.02 and my sound card is ok its
line-in is working fine. I've tried change the card type using sysctl -w
hw.bt848.card=3DXX, but don't work. What's happening?


** Se n=E3o estamos no novo s=E9culo e nem no novo mil=EAnio, ent=E3o ainda=
 n=E3o =E9 a
nova d=E9cada! Isso mesmo estamos na d=E9cada de 90 em pleno ano 2000!
Assim como 1990 estar=EDamos na d=E9cada de 80, 1980 estar=EDamos na d=E9ca=
da de 70...
** Como o conceito de d=E9cada est=E1 bem aceito podemos afirmar que estamo=
s no
novo Mil=EAnio e no novo S=E9culo.=09=09Feliz s=E9culo XXI :-)

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