Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:51:10 +0100 From: WEEC - Permanent Secretariat <> To: Subject: Call for bids - Candidatures WEEC 2015 Message-ID: <>
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Call for bids =A0 The organizations interested in having their country become a candidate to = host the* 8th Edition of the WEEC Congress in 2015*, will have to send a de= tailed project to the Permanent Secretariat of the WEEC Network by *31st Ma= rch 2011*. The candidatures will be assessed according to the *following criteria*: *Read more...* [1] =A0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- Candidatures WEEC 2015 Les organismes souhaitant poser la candidature de leur pays pour accueillir= la *8=E8me =E9dition du Congr=E8s WEEC en 2015*, doivent envoyer un projet= d=E9taill=E9 au Secr=E9tariat Permanent du R=E9seau international d'=E9duc= ation =E0 l'environnement WEEC avant le *31 mars 2011*. *Les crit=E8res d'=E9valuation* des candidatures seront les suivants : *Lire la suite...* [2] The 5th WEEC 2009: A Research Project /Bob Jickling, Lakehead University; Lucie Sauv=E9, Universit=E9 du Qu=E9bec= =E0 Montr=E9al; LaurenceBri=E8re, Universit=E9 du Qu=E9bec =E0 Montr=E9al;= Blair Niblett, Lakehead University; Emily Root, Lakehead University, Canad= a./ This paper contextualizes the *5th World Environmental Education Congress*,= discusses the theoretical underpinnings of the Congress theme, "Earth our = Common Home," and relates this theorizing to the research project that was = woven through the Congress. *Read more...* [3] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- 5=E8me WEEC 2009: un Project de Recherche /Bob Jickling, Lakehead University; Lucie Sauv=E9, Universit=E9 du Qu=E9bec= =E0 Montr=E9al; LaurenceBri=E8re, Universit=E9 du Qu=E9bec =E0 Montr=E9al;= Blair Niblett, Lakehead University; Emily Root, Lakehead University, Canad= a./ Cet article explique le contexte dans lequel s'est inscrit le *5e Congr=E8s= mondial d'=E9ducation relative =E0 l'environnement*, pr=E9sente les fondem= ents th=E9oriques =E0 l'origine du th=E8me du congr=E8s, =ABVivre ensemble,= sur Terre=BB, et relie ces =E9l=E9ments au projet de recherche qui constit= uait la trame de fond de l'=E9v=E9nement. *Lire la suite... [4]* Med Action Day 2010 *Biodiversity and climate change*. The 2010 international campaign "Mediter= ranean Action Day" promoted by MIO-ECSDE is dedicated to the theme of biodi= versity in the Mediterranean sea and climate change. As pointed out by IUCN= , the Mediterranean region is one of the places on earth in with the highes= t biodiversity and richness in landscapes. *Read more...* [5] *World Environmental Education Congress - Permanent Secretariat * Istituto per l'Ambiente e l'Educazione Schol=E9 Futuro onlus Via Bligny 15 - 10122 Torino (Italy) - Phone/Fax +39 0114366522 [6] - www.environmental-education.o= rg [7] Se desideri disiscriverti o cambiare i dati del tuo profilo premi qui [8] Se non desideri ricevere comunicazioni di questo tipo in futuro puoi disisc= riverti cliccando qui [9] [1] c [2] 5 [3] c [4] 0 [5] c [6] [7] [8] =3D12d620d0 [9] 4pq&_t=3Df52bc9d6
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