Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 12:14:01 +0100 From: "Jonathan Hicks" <> To: "doc" <> Subject: Nomination received for the Japan Business Awards
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I am very happy to inform you that your firm has received a nomination in t= heJapan Business Awards 2017, hosted by APAC Insider. These awards seek out the very best firms, departments, individuals and ini= tiatives to celebrate their performance over the past twelve months. With i= ts strong trade exports, increasing productivity growth and political stabi= lity, Japan remains the perfect country in which to do business and an idea= l global trading partner. At this moment in time the awards are in their early stages, so all we need= to know is if you would like to be included in the process; if so, please = respond with: =91I ACCEPT MY NOMINATION=92 There are no required costs throughout the process, nor if you should go on= to win an award. All shortlisted nominations will go through a rigorous pr= ocess; over the coming weeks we'll combine votes alongside supporting evide= nce and our own in-house research to honour those worthy of becoming award = winners. The voting form has been open for seven weeks and is still available to vie= w here; feel free to share the voting form between peers, client and collea= gues. If you have any further questions, then please don=92t hesitate to contact = me using the details below. Good luck! Kindest regards, Jonathan Hicks =96 Awards Executive APAC Insider W: T: (0061) 1800 205 104 To stop receiving further emails of this nature please click HERE Opt out / unsubscribe requests might take two working days to complete. You= might still receive further emails until this process has been completed. This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended s= olely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or o= pinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily rep= resent those of AI Global Media Ltd. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
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