From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Feb  4 12:23:33 1998
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Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 12:22:50 -0800 (PST)
From: Dan Busarow <>
To: Ash Yadav <>
cc: questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: getting MySQL to work on 2.2.5 rel.
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On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, Ash Yadav wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get MySQL to work on 2.2.5 rel. I installed it from the 
> cd-rom but when running thru the mysql_install_db script it bombs out due 
> to missinf *.frm files in the data directory.

Yes, it works great.  I've never installed from CD and if 
mysql_install_db is run from the install process that is
probably your problem.

Login as root and run mysql_install_db manually.  This 
script *creates* the .frm files so you  aren't missing

 Dan Busarow                                                  714 443 4172
 DPC Systems / Beach.Net                          
 Dana Point, California  83 09 EF 59 E0 11 89 B4   8D 09 DB FD E1 DD 0C 82