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Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 12:16:49 +1100
To: questions@FreeBSD.ORG
From: Rob B <>
Subject: Re: /proc/pci equivalent?
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At 11:59 6/11/2001, Chris Hill sent this up the stick:
>On Tue, 6 Nov 2001, Rob B wrote:
> > Is there a way to see what is on the PCI bus of a system?  Under Linux, I
> > could do :
> >
> >          cat /proc/pci
> >
> > and get a dump of everything on the bus.  Is there a command like it in
> > FreeBSD?
>You could try scanpci - it tells you stuff like
>pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x12 function 0x0000: vendor 0x1000 device 0x000f
>  NCR 53C875
>   STATUS    0x0210  COMMAND 0x0007
>   CLASS     0x01 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0x26
>   BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x08
>...etc., blah bla

Unfortunately, scanpci doesn't exist on my system (or in the ports) and 
Matthew's suggestion of Kcontrol is no good since this box doesn't run 
X.  dmesg shows me what is loaded, but there is a sound device that is not 
being shown, and I know it is there.

Anything else?


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