Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 17:03:15 +0000 From: "Peel, Casey" <> To: Julio Merino <> Cc: "" <>, "" <> Subject: RE: Please provide process for small, targeted fixes in tools/regression Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <>
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--_004_16437CC5729B5345AF77F816513376E820BCBE25MX103CL02corpem_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Julio, here are 3 additional changes in tools/regression to get tests in th= ere to run and pass via prove. * libutil.diff - fixes test-humanize_number.c to print 1-based test numbers= instead of 0-based test numbers as prove expects. * mmap.diff - adds .t file to allow running mmap test through prove * fifo.diff - adds a top-level Makefile to compile the code in the fifo/ su= bdirectories. Adds .t to run the tests via prove. Any progress on the prior set I tossed you? -- Casey -- Performance Test Ninja / 206.777.7945 -----Original Message----- From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-testing@freeb=] On Behalf Of Peel, Casey Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 7:00 PM To: Julio Merino Cc:; Subject: RE: Please provide process for small, targeted fixes in tools/regr= ession Exellent, thanks Julio. Attached are 3 self-contained diffs, one per directory. Descriptions of the= changes: * flock - .c changes to fix compiler errors; .t to wrap flock binary for in= tegrating with prove * geom_mirror - gmirror won't let you remove the last partition in a mirror= which all of these testcases do and thus fail (note that I've got these te= stcases plus other gmirror testcases already moved over to ATF and going th= rough internal code reviews now, so maybe we just want to discard this) * kqueue - kqtest outputs files in TAP-consumable format, this is a .t file= to run it through prove These were an intial salvo at getting existing tests working for our intern= al regression. I'm sure we'll be looking at others as well. If someone can = just review the changes, I can get someone internally to commit them if nec= ssary (although these will take more time to review than commit given how s= mall they are). -- Casey -- Performance Test Ninja / 206.777.7945 -----Original Message----- From: Julio Merino [] On Behalf Of Julio Merino Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 12:02 PM To: Peel, Casey Cc:; Subject: Re: Please provide process for small, targeted fixes in tools/regr= ession Hello Casey, On Apr 11, 2014, at 13:56, Peel, Casey <> wrote: > I have several small, targted fixes to files in src/tools/regression/ to: >=20 > 1) enable existing *.t tests to run that were failing This is not "too hard" but is certainly tricky. I did a bunch of them about a month ago but didn't write a lot of documenta= tion on the topic. You can find some useful notes in = though, which includes slides and accompanying notes for the tutorial I gav= e at AsiaBSDCon. Most of that ought to be converted to actual documentatio= n of course. The very first step, which is arguably the hardest, is to get the tests to = work while running them with the prove(1) tool. This has several implicati= ons (an important one being that any testing logic must be removed from the= Makefile). > 2) add new *.t files for directories that enable running TAP-enabled= binaries through prove That's good as a second step. I suspect these new *.t files will just invo= ke another script (the actual test), which means the .t files will be remov= ed when the tests are hooked into the test suite. But that's fine: it's be= tter to get them running with prove(1) first because then the move is simpl= e enough. > 3) *.c updates to remove clang compiler warnings Yes please. Once the tests run with prove(1) and pass, we can bundle them into the test= suite. This roughly involves moving the code to corresponding 'tests/' su= bdirectories, writing Makefiles and updating the mtree. Mostly mechanical = (but very annoying when the tests provide tons of data files; see usr.bin/m= ake/tests/). > Can someone please provide a process for getting these approved and commi= tted in a timely manner? I would prefer to get these upstream and then pull= them down if at all possible, but I simply don't have time for these to la= nguish for weeks in a committee. >=20 > Isilon has BSD committers (eg: bdrewery) I can leverage if that would be = more expedient but given these are all testing-centric it seems like gettin= g approval from one or more people on freebsd-testing would be best. If you can get self-contained diffs, I can try to get them in for you (but = can't make any promises as my time for FreeBSD varies significantly week to= week...) For simplicity of review, I'd appreciate at least one patch for every subdi= rectory within tools/regression/foo/bar/ with at least one patch to get the= first tests up and running first with prove(1). More patches are better! The move of the fixed tests to the new infrastructure (aka the boilerplate = work) is something I may be able to help with. --_004_16437CC5729B5345AF77F816513376E820BCBE25MX103CL02corpem_ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="fifo.diff" Content-Description: fifo.diff Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="fifo.diff"; size=795; creation-date="Wed, 30 Apr 2014 17:02:52 GMT"; modification-date="Wed, 30 Apr 2014 16:50:19 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SW5kZXg6IGZyZWVic2QtaGVhZC90b29scy9yZWdyZXNzaW9uL2ZpZm8vTWFrZWZpbGUKPT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PQotLS0gL2Rldi9udWxsCisrKyBmcmVlYnNkLWhlYWQvdG9vbHMvcmVncmVzc2lvbi9maWZv L01ha2VmaWxlCkBAIC0wLDAgKzEsOCBAQAorIyAkRnJlZUJTRCQKKworU1VCRElSKz1maWZvX2Ny ZWF0ZQorU1VCRElSKz1maWZvX2lvCitTVUJESVIrPWZpZm9fbWlzYworU1VCRElSKz1maWZvX29w ZW4KKworLmluY2x1ZGUgPGJzZC5zdWJkaXIubWs+CkluZGV4OiBmcmVlYnNkLWhlYWQvdG9vbHMv cmVncmVzc2lvbi9maWZvL2ZpZm8udAo9PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09Ci0tLSAvZGV2L251bGwKKysrIGZyZWVi c2QtaGVhZC90b29scy9yZWdyZXNzaW9uL2ZpZm8vZmlmby50CkBAIC0wLDAgKzEsMjAgQEAKKyMh L2Jpbi9zaAorIyAkRnJlZUJTRCQKKworbWFrZSA+L2Rldi9udWxsIDI+JjEgfHwgZXhpdCAxCisK K3Rlc3RzPSJmaWZvX2NyZWF0ZSBmaWZvX2lvIGZpZm9fbWlzYyBmaWZvX29wZW4iCisKK249MAor CitlY2hvICIxLi40IgorCitmb3IgYXRlc3QgaW4gJHt0ZXN0c30KK2RvCisJbj1gZXhwciAke259 ICsgMWAKKwlpZiAkYXRlc3QvJGF0ZXN0OyB0aGVuCisJCWVjaG8gIm9rICR7bn0gLSAke2F0ZXN0 fSIKKwllbHNlCisJCWVjaG8gIm5vdCBvayAke259IC0gJHthdGVzdH0iCisJZmkKK2RvbmUK --_004_16437CC5729B5345AF77F816513376E820BCBE25MX103CL02corpem_ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="libutil.diff" Content-Description: libutil.diff Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="libutil.diff"; size=1504; creation-date="Wed, 30 Apr 2014 17:02:52 GMT"; modification-date="Wed, 30 Apr 2014 16:50:19 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SW5kZXg6IGZyZWVic2QtaGVhZC90b29scy9yZWdyZXNzaW9uL2xpYi9saWJ1dGlsL3Rlc3QtaHVt YW5pemVfbnVtYmVyLmMKPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQotLS0gZnJlZWJzZC1oZWFkLm9yaWcvdG9vbHMvcmVn cmVzc2lvbi9saWIvbGlidXRpbC90ZXN0LWh1bWFuaXplX251bWJlci5jCisrKyBmcmVlYnNkLWhl YWQvdG9vbHMvcmVncmVzc2lvbi9saWIvbGlidXRpbC90ZXN0LWh1bWFuaXplX251bWJlci5jCkBA IC01MzcsMTIgKzUzNywxMiBAQCBtYWluKGludCBhcmdjLCBjaGFyICogY29uc3QgYXJndltdKQog CiAJCWlmICh0ZXN0X2FyZ3NbaV0uc2NhbGUgPCAwICYmICEgaW5jbHVkZU5lZ1NjYWxlKSB7CiAJ CQlza2lwcGVkKys7Ci0JCQl0ZXN0c2tpcHBlZChpKTsKKwkJCXRlc3Rza2lwcGVkKGkgKyAxKTsK IAkJCWNvbnRpbnVlOwogCQl9CiAJCWlmICh0ZXN0X2FyZ3NbaV0ubnVtID49IGhhbGZFeGFieXRl ICYmICEgaW5jbHVkZUV4YWJ5dGVUZXN0cykgewogCQkJc2tpcHBlZCsrOwotCQkJdGVzdHNraXBw ZWQoaSk7CisJCQl0ZXN0c2tpcHBlZChpICsgMSk7CiAJCQljb250aW51ZTsKIAkJfQogCkBAIC01 NTgsNyArNTU4LDcgQEAgbWFpbihpbnQgYXJnYywgY2hhciAqIGNvbnN0IGFyZ3ZbXSkKIAkJCQkg ICAgdGVzdF9hcmdzW2ldLnJlcywgdGVzdF9hcmdzW2ldLm51bSwKIAkJCQkgICAgc2NhbGVfc3Ry LCBmbGFnX3N0cik7CiAJCQllbHNlCi0JCQkJcHJpbnRmKCJub3Qgb2sgJWx1ICMgcmV0dXJuICVk ICE9ICVkXG4iLCBpLCByLAorCQkJCXByaW50Zigibm90IG9rICVsdSAjIHJldHVybiAlZCAhPSAl ZFxuIiwgaSArIDEsIHIsCiAJCQkJICAgIHRlc3RfYXJnc1tpXS5yZXR2YWwpOwogCQkJZXJyY250 Kys7CiAJCX0gZWxzZSBpZiAoc3RyY21wKGJ1ZiwgdGVzdF9hcmdzW2ldLnJlcykgIT0gMCkgewpA QCAtNTY3LDcgKzU2Nyw3IEBAIG1haW4oaW50IGFyZ2MsIGNoYXIgKiBjb25zdCBhcmd2W10pCiAJ CQkJICAgIGksIGJ1ZiwgdGVzdF9hcmdzW2ldLnJlcywgdGVzdF9hcmdzW2ldLm51bSwKIAkJCQkg ICAgc2NhbGVfc3RyLCBmbGFnX3N0cik7CiAJCQllbHNlCi0JCQkJcHJpbnRmKCJub3Qgb2sgJWx1 ICMgYnVmIFwiJXNcIiAhPSBcIiVzXCJcbiIsIGksCisJCQkJcHJpbnRmKCJub3Qgb2sgJWx1ICMg YnVmIFwiJXNcIiAhPSBcIiVzXCJcbiIsIGkgKyAxLAogCQkJCSAgICBidWYsIHRlc3RfYXJnc1tp XS5yZXMpOwogCQkJZXJyY250Kys7CiAJCX0gZWxzZSB7CkBAIC01NzYsNyArNTc2LDcgQEAgbWFp bihpbnQgYXJnYywgY2hhciAqIGNvbnN0IGFyZ3ZbXSkKIAkJCQkgICAgaSwgciwgYnVmLCB0ZXN0 X2FyZ3NbaV0ubnVtLCBzY2FsZV9zdHIsCiAJCQkJICAgIGZsYWdfc3RyKTsKIAkJCWVsc2UKLQkJ CQlwcmludGYoIm9rICVsdVxuIiwgaSk7CisJCQkJcHJpbnRmKCJvayAlbHVcbiIsIGkgKyAxKTsK IAkJfQogCQl0ZXN0ZWQrKzsKIAl9Cg== --_004_16437CC5729B5345AF77F816513376E820BCBE25MX103CL02corpem_ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="mmap.diff" Content-Description: mmap.diff Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mmap.diff"; size=448; creation-date="Wed, 30 Apr 2014 17:02:52 GMT"; modification-date="Wed, 30 Apr 2014 16:50:19 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SW5kZXg6IGZyZWVic2QtaGVhZC90b29scy9yZWdyZXNzaW9uL21tYXAvbW1hcC50Cj09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT0KLS0tIC9kZXYvbnVsbAorKysgZnJlZWJzZC1oZWFkL3Rvb2xzL3JlZ3Jlc3Npb24vbW1hcC9t bWFwLnQKQEAgLTAsMCArMSwxNyBAQAorIyEvYmluL3NoCisKK21ha2UgPi9kZXYvbnVsbCAyPiYx IHx8IGV4aXQgMQorCit0ZXN0bnVtPTAKKworZWNobyAiMS4uOSIKKworLi9tbWFwIDI+JjEgfCB3 aGlsZSByZWFkIGxpbmU7IGRvCisJZWNobyAkbGluZSB8IGdyZXAgLXEgT0sKKwl0ZXN0bnVtPSQo KCR0ZXN0bnVtICsgMSkpCisJaWYgWyAkPyAtZXEgMCBdOyB0aGVuCisJCWVjaG8gIm9rICR0ZXN0 bnVtIgorCWVsc2UKKwkJZWNobyAibm90IG9rICR0ZXN0bnVtIgorCWZpCitkb25lCg== --_004_16437CC5729B5345AF77F816513376E820BCBE25MX103CL02corpem_--
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