From owner-freebsd-hackers  Sun Oct 22 19:34:02 1995
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To: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <>
From: (dennis)
Subject: Re: Bragging rights..
Precedence: bulk

>dennis wrote:
>> on their switches. If you
>> think its the next "great upgrade" you're badly mistaken.
>Why?  I don't see where the regional bell's *motivation* is at all the issue.

You brought it up. The fact that some RBOCs are pushing ISDN is not what it
seems. It costs
big bucks to tool-up for ISDN, and once you do you have to sell LOTS of it
to recover your costs.
The world will change when de-reg hits. The world will also change when
switched FR hits.

>I understand that you're pretty biased against ISDN in favor of your own
Frame Relay
>solutions, but let's not go trying to adjust reality to fit the picture
you'd like it to
>be!  If people buy ISDN, it will be a success.  So far, people are buying
ISDN and all
>the technical criticism in the world you may have won't change that fact
one iota.

They're different markets, Jordan. ISDN will never be private line
replacement, its a replacement
for dial-up. I have nothing against ISDN, in fact we intend to support the
sync solution that I've been
discussing. (There's a neat new 512K ISDN concentrator out....crank up your
xtals boys!)  I said I wouldn't use it myself because I'd rather have a
private line. I see no benefit whatsoever in using something thats
"included" in the O/S, since there's no one out there that will do
it as well as we can...and if we do it it will be portable and immediately
available for NetBSD, BSD/OS and Linux and whatever else I decide to sell
(which is a LOT bigger market than the FreeBSD market alone).

Emerging Technologies, Inc.

Synchronous Communications Cards and Routers For
Discriminating Tastes. 56k to T1 and beyond. Frame
Relay, PPP, HDLC, and X.25